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Cafifornia Building Permits for December
\7ith Naval Research Department
Ensign J. A. Privett, Jr., U. S. Navy, son of J. A. Privett, Sr., manager of the E. K. \\rood Lumber Co. at Los Angeles, is nolv stationed at Bayonne, N. J., with the Naval Research Department.
Ensign l. L. Privett, It.
lege at Wellesley, Mass., for was then assigned for service was cancelled and he lr'as f)eoartment at Bavonne.
Ensign Privett graduated from the University of Southern California, and went with J. \\ralter Thompson Compan)-, national advertising firm, spending four years irr their San Francisco office, then lvas transferred to the I-os Angeles office. Enlisting in the Navy at San Diego, he u'as sent to Wellesley Coltraining as a paymaster. He in Neu'Guinea but this order sent to the Naval Research
Born in Los Angeles, he is D years of age, married and has two children, J. A. Privett III, and Stephen Privett. He and his family are making their home at Caldwell, N. J.
Plywood Resecrch Interests Dealer
Paul Wilson of Central Lumber Co., and Building Material Distributors, Stockton, recently made a business trip to Oregon and Washington. While in Tacoma he visited the research department of the Douglas Fir plywood Association, and found himself very much interested in what the Association is doing along this line. The developments, he said, indicate that the dealer will have a greatly expanded business in plywood for his postlvar trade.
Western Pine Annucl Meeting
The annual meeting of the \Mestern pine Association will be held at the Portland Hotel, Portland, February 9. Meetings of the various committees will be helcl on Febru. ary 8.
Trected in transit crt our completely equipped plcrnt crt Alqmedc, Ccrlil.
Trected and stocked at our Long Becch, Ccrlil., plcnt