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fiow To Make a Board Behave
Y:91 !L"qt".te is uruly. It encourcg_es deccy cnd iaviles teruites, It soqkg up noisture cnd then wsrPa cld tlri!|<8. Ulirsqted wood used i! coBiructioa ccus discster deccy -cud ternite dcmcge, rattles, creakr, doors tbct sticl and wiadom tf,qt are drolty. Bui tbr;-;"i";;;i;ooa pr""-i""uo" "li wood stabilirdtion has lound q way to nct<e every bocrd .behcve.
H9_OPT9I .{-"od preservc.tive cng noisture repelleat) , . is ecsily cnd economicclty cpplied, controls qocqy, torError, ryctus b€eiles md wood borers , plus control oI wcrping, shriDt i!gr, cbecking od Grcil Rcisiag.
TIMBEBTOX (wood presewctive only) controls decqy, termites, lyclu beetles qnd wood borers.
WOODFIX (wcler repelleut only) , , cottrols wcrping, ehrialcing. checling cad grcin rcisiag, GOVEnNII'IENT BE-QUIREMENTS ' oll Arny, Ncwy, Mcritine Coroisgion od Public Housing Aurhoriry sp-ecilicctiou cclliag lor ch!o{gdr-6d phenol-wood-preservctiyea, noitiuie-t.petimts and c;lorin;-;;a lully met by our WOODTOX, TIMBEntOX and WOODFD( Oit Sil"rri*.--Sead lor Eulletins Iull desaiptiou ol purposes -oud merho& ol cpplicction oI gtqrdcrd wood control prepcrctions. Thege bulletias show the w-cyio mct<e my produci ;i;;;a-; l.til, piia""l-