4 minute read


Instcllcrtion oI the most modern lumber hcndling equipment, the building oI new sheds and enlcrrgement qnd rcising of others hqs encrbled us to more thqn double the storage ccpccity of our yard.

The addition oI new woodworking equipment has grectly expcnded our remcnulcrcturing fqcilities with the resirlt that we hqve been crble to tcrke cqre oI Government demands lor quick deliveries with compcrctive ecse.




Herbert C. Koloid


Herbert C. Kofoid of Caruthers, president of the H. C. Kofoid Lumber Company and a leader in civic, church and fraternal activities, passed away on January 14 from double pneumonia. He was 75 years of age.

A native of Indiana, he was in the retail lurnber business in Indiana, Michigan and Illinois before coming to Caruthers in 1915, where he purchased the lumber yard and established the H. C. Kofoid Lumber Company in partnership with H. N. Kofoid. He was not active in the business the past few years. The company also operates a yard at Riverdale.

He was a member of the Selma Masonic Lodge, Fresno Pyramid of Sciots, Heliotrope Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club, Caruthers Grammar School Board of Trustees, and a charter director of the First National Bank of Caruthers.

He is survived by his widow, Belle Fairfield Kofoid; three children, Harry N. Kofoid, Caruthers, Clifford S' Kofoid, Huntington Park; and Mrs. Fay Gallaher, Caruthers; a brother, Dr. Charles A. Kofoid, Berkeley; a sister, Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Seattle; seven grandchildren, four of whom are in the service, and two great grandchildren.

F. M. Gcrrdner

F. M. Gardner of Spokane, Wash., passed away on January 6 at Huntington Park, following a heart attack.

He was in the lumber business in Iowa before going to the Northwest where with Enoc and Henry P. Engdahl they formed the Spokane Sash and Door Co. He retired from the lumber business in 1912, and for a number of years spent his rvinters in Southern California.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Gardner, and two sons, Max Gardner, president of the Atlantic Lttmber Company at Bell, and Rex Gardner of Spokane.

H. Allcrn Turner

H. Allan Turner, technical advisor for the Masonite Corporation for Northern Caiifornia, passed away in Burlingame, Calif., on January 9.

He rvas well known in the West Coast lumber industry, having been engaged in the wholesale lumber business in San Francisco for some years, and also in the Pacific Northwest. He has been associated with the Masonite Corporation for many years.

Mr. Turner was born 63 years ago in Brantford, Ontario. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Victoria Turner, and a son, Major Harrv Turner, AAF.

Jcmes Albert Chcrse

James Albert Chase, president and general manager, S. H. Chase Lumber Co., San Jose, Calif., passed away in San Jose, December 3. He had been associated with the S. H. Chase Lumber Co. for all his business life. He was born in Lexington, Calif., 76 years ago.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Millicent Chase, a brother, S. Hal Chase, and a sister, Miss Emma Chase'

Sadie S. Pinkerton

Sadie S. Pinkerton, wife of C. W. Pinkerton, manager of the Lumbermen's Governmental Service Bureau, passed away at her home in Whittier on January 13.

Besides her husband, she is survived by a son Jack; three brothers, John, Martin and George Sutherin, and three sisters, Mrs. Anna Zinn, Mrs. H. E. Shafier, and Margaret Sutherin.

Funeral services were held in Whittier, Tuesday afternoon, January 16.

Iohn R. Grqnt

John R. Grant, of the Home passed away in Oakland in the Fixture Builders, Oakland, latter part of December.

Earl H. Hollenbeck

Funeral services for Earl H. Hollenbeck were held in Inglewood on January 20. He was 49 years of age, and had been in ill health for some time' He was with the Harris Lumber Company of Inglewood for the past eight years. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Lora Hollenbeck.

Andrew Beyrle

Andrew Beyrle, formerly president and owner o{ the California Planing Mill & Lumber Co. and California Fire Proof Door Co., Los Angeles, passed away recently. He was 79 years of age. He is survived by his widow, a son' Thomas Beyrle, proprietor of the California Fire Proof Door Co.. and two grandchildren.

Luis I. Follini

Luis J. Follini, partner of Charles Murra in the Paramount Built-in-Fixture Co., Oakland, passed away on Friday, December 22. He had been associated with Mr. Murra since 1932 and was sales manager of the company.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Follini, a daughter, Mrs. l\{ary Holman, and a son, Luis Follini, Jr'

Alfred W. Hcrt

Alfred W. H,art, general manager of the Hart Mill Company, and owner of the Hart-Wood mill at Raymond, Washington, passed away in Portland, Ore., December 15, after a month's illness.

Mr. Hart, who was well known in California, is survived by two daughters, a sister, a grandson, and five nieces.

Nationql Forests oI Californiq Increcse Timber Production

Timber cut in the 17 national forests in California for the year ended June 30, 7944, totaled 511,1m,000 board feet, an increase of. D% over the like period of. 1943. Total value of the1944 cut was $1,ffi5,947, according to the U. S. Forest Service.

Lassen and Plumas national forests were the heaviest producers of saw timber with Stanislaus and Tahoe furnishing the largest numbers of Christmas trees' Trinity forest led in production of ships fenders. California national forests timber activities are now supervised by B. O. Hughes who succeeded P. D. Hanson.

The Flcgpole Tree

Donated by Hillman Lueddemann of Pope & Talbot, Inc., a straight stick of Douglas fir, 110 feet long and rveighing abotrt 2f tons, was recently raised into position by a giant crane to become the official flagpole at the new Battleship Oregon Park along Portland's busy Harbor Drive.

An impressive ceremony marked the dedication of the new park to the memory of the historic ship, her crelv and veterans of the Spanish-American War, and the formal presentation of the park to the City of Portland.

In one corner of the park stands the huge foremast, salvaged from the Old Oregon at her berth in the Willamette River when she was ordered scrapped for World War II.

The colorful figurehead from the famous warship, which is mounted on a large boulder, along with a bronze plaque fashioned from a porthole ring from the ship, also were featured in the dedicatory program.


Distributors ol Pacific Coast Forest Products tOS ANGELES Douglas Fir PORTLAND ttt Hi."oJ::it'ir."t"' Hemlock r2r{",sp:,rding Buudbe Ross C. Lcrshley Cedcn Lcrne E. Pcrskill



Manulacturers Qucrlity Redwood Lumber

"Big fitlil Lumher From a linle l[lill"



420 Mcrket St., Scn Francisco ll

Southern Cclilornia Representctive

I.I. Rea,5410 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 3G WEbster 7828

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