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.(in"olo'r Q.tt7thorg o{ll.r"rt
Fourcsore cnd seven yecra dgo our lcthers brought torth on this continent c new ncrlion, conceived in liberty cnd dedicoted io the proposition thct cll men cre crected equcl.
Now we cre engcged in o grect civil wcn, teeting whelher thcl nqtion or cny nclion so conceived cnd so dedicqted can long endure. we cre met on .s great btrttlelield ol thct war. We hqve come to dediccte a portion ol thct field qs ct fincrl resting ploce oI those who h.te qaoe tieir iives thcr thct ualion might live. It is cltogether fitting cnd pro-per thal we should do this,
But, il -g l<rrger senae, we ccnnot dedicqte-we cqnnot consectcste_we ccnnot hqllow-this ground. The brcve uren, living cnd dead, who etruggled here,_ hove consecrcted it, lar cbove our poor power to qdd or detrcct. The world will liltle note, nor long remesrber, whct we scy here, but it cca never lorg_et whcl ibey did here. tt is lor us the living, rctth6r, to be dediccied here to the unlinished work which they-who-Iotshihere have rhus lcr so nobly cdvcncd. It ie raiher lor us lo be here dediicted io the grect tcsk remoinini before us-thtrt lrom these honored decrd we take inireqsed devotion to thct ccuEe lor which they gcve the last lull measure oI devotioi-thtrt we here highly regolve that these decd shqll not hqve died in vqin-that tlis nctioa. under God, shcll bcve q new birrh oI lreedom<nd thct goveinmeni oI the people, by the people, for the people shcll not perish lrom- the- ecrrth.