1 minute read
The Mill That Sailed rhe SEAS
Imcrgine c complete lumber mill sciling qround th.e Horn from Mqine to Puget Sound! It <rctuclly hcppened, ,wcy bqck in 1853.
Although prelcbricction is the talk oI the modern world, this story proves it to be necrrly cr century old with pope & Tclbot. For, the lounders oI the firm crctucrlly pretcrbriccted cnd built c lumber mill on cr site crt Ecrst Mqchiqs, Mcrine. AIter every detcil wcrs complete cccording to plcn, the mill wcrs ccrrefully tcken cpcrt crnd shipped to its present locction crt Port Gcrnble, Wcshington. There it was reqssembled cnd took its plcce cmong the loremost lumber mills of the West. Todcy our mills cre doing their shcrre in stepping up Americcr's lumber production to undrecrmed oI figures. Tomorrow when wcrr orders give wcry to mcking postwcr building plcrns come true, Pope d Tcrlbot, Inc. will be recdy cnd ecgei to serve you once cacrin.