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Pioneer Slate Surfaced Shingles
Weathcr protection, 6ro rerirtance and beauty-the three requirementr of a perfect roof, and Pioneer STA-SO NON-FADING SLATE SURFACED SHINGLES fulfitl them all.
PIONEER SLATE SURFACED SHTNGLES are rurfaccd with crushed STA-SO rlate, applied to the hot asphalt undcr prcrrure and rolled into the rhingle until it becomer one compact rheet. Once laid, thcre shinglee form a leak-proof roof of exccptional durability.
The fire rerirting qualiticr of PIONEER SLATE SURFACED SHINGLES arc approvcd by the National Board of Fire Llnderwriterr. Their Clar C' label attachcd to ever5r bundle ir your protection. It alro means a raving in inrurance.
PTONEER SLATE SURFACED SHTNGLES give tLe final touch of color to the houec bcautiful. Rcd, grccn and gunmctral in rubducd original shadercolored by Nature, and ar enduring ae the rlate itrelf. Thcre attrac. tive toncr ane permancnt-tLcy never fad+and cach rain helpe to make thcm richer in appearanee.
PIONEER SLATE SURFACED SHINGLES ARE REA. SONABLE lN PRICE and cheaper to lay. Thcy are manufactured in clab forrn, with four rhinglec to thc rtrip and individual.
247 So. Loe Angeler Street
Los Angelec
Phone 874-561 San