5 minute read
Arnong the D ealers
Fred Hamlin Joins Paramino Lumber Company
Fred Hamlin, the popular San Francisco hlmberman, is norv associated with the Paramino Lumber Co. of San Francisco, and will represent this rvell known concern in the Bay Cities and Valley territories.
Bob Forgie In New Quarters
Mr. Robert Forgie, knorvn in Los Angeles and vicinity for the Bloedel Donovan, and Ives stock that he handles in the south, has moved his offices from 430 Central Building, to Suite 523-524, same building.
Them Were The Happy Days
From Mr. D. F. Park, proprietor of the La Mesa Lumber Company, at La l\{esa, comes a letter, enclosing a copy of a quotatioh received by his company, in March, 1895. Business would pick up, in 1924, at these prices.
"C. C. Park, Esq.
Dear Sir:
March 27th. L895.
Your favor of the 23rd received and contents noted. We quote you the following prices f.o.b., our mill: Common
These are cash figures. The freight to San Diego will be from $5.00 to $5.50, according to the size of the cargo, small vessels of 250,000 feet cost about $5.00 and as the size increases the expenses are not quite so large in proportion. Hoping we may be favored with your order, we are,
Due to the fact that the committee were unable to make satisfactory reservations for the Valentine Party that was scheduled to be held on February 16, the affaii has been postponed until Saturday evening, February 23. The party will be a Ladies Night and will be a dinner dance.Th-e 9ommittee arranging for the party includes J. Walter Kelley_, Chas. R. McCormick & Co., Chairman; John C. McCabe, Andrew Mahoney Lumber Co.; Bill Rampe, HartWood Lumber Co.; G. W. Fraser, Illinois Central Railroad; Al Nolan, Pacific Lumber Co.; Theodore Lerch, Albion Lumber Co.; Guy Stibick, Frederic Palmer Lumber Co.; Homer Maris, Maris Hardwood Co.: Milton Hendrickson, Waterfront Sash & Door Co.; and I. E. Martin. The California Lumber Merchant.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McCormick, of St. Helens, Oregon. have arrived in Cali{ornia on their annual winter's soiJurn where they plan to remain about six weeks. After a short stay in San Francisco, they will leave for Southern California where they will visit Los Angeles, Coronada, San Diego, and other points of interest in the South. Mr. McCormick_is the general manager of the large lumber interests of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. at St. Helens, Oregon. While in San Francisco, they are being entertained- by Mrs. McCormick's sister, Miss Leona Per[ins of San Francisco, who is associated with Chas. R. McCormick & Co.
_.Johl D._ Spqglding, of the California Sugar and White Pine Co., San Franci.slo, has returned from -a business trip to the Northrvest. While in the North, he attended the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association meeting held at Spokane on February 5 and 6.
Life is full of collections. splinters for the man who slips up in his
Shows Value Of Association Membership
NE\,V ORLEANS, Jan. Z0.-That regular mill inspections aid materially in reducing the amouht of lumber below or above grade and are of much benefit to the lumber manufacturer, as well as to the dealers and consummers, is indicated in the annual report of the Southern Pine Association's Inspection Department for 1923, just announced by Secretary-Manager H. C. Berckes.
This report of inspections shorvs that for 1923 of. the lumber on which claims were filed. that from Association subscribers showed only 12.96 per cent below grade, while of that from non-subscribers, 23.74 per cent was below grade. It is interesting to note that u'hile the aggregate shipments of subscribers during the year approximated five billion feet, only D,lll,l49 feet, or about one-half of one per cent, was subject to claims for reihspection.
The G. X. lVendling Company
George X. Wendling, well'known California lumberman. and box manufacturer and formerly associated with the Los Angeles Lumber Products Co., of Los Angeles, has opened offices at 2@ California St., San Francisco, where hi will carry on a box shook and lumber business under the name of The G. X. Wendling Co. He is the distributor of The Superior 4-Slat Unitized Orange and Lemon Box Cover apd is also acting as the California representative of the Willamette Pacific Lumber Co., Raymond Veneer Co., ind pacific. Fruit Package Co.
Lumber Census To Be Taken By Forest Service
California and Nevada lumber manufacturers in all branches of the trade are urged by Federal foresters'to cooperate in the collection of statistics in the lumber industry now being made by the U, S. Forest Service headquarters in this city for the Census Bureau. Such statistics, it is p<iinted out, are vital to the intelligent direction of the lumber business, and a special efiort is being made to secure accllrate figures for early publication'
In l92I an Act of Congress was passed requiring the taking of a biennial census of all manufacturers in the TJnited States, including the census of lumber and timber products, '
This is the year of the biennial census, and the statistics on lumber manufacture will cover not only sawmill products and lumber, lath and shingles, but also veneers' planing mill products and split red'n'ood and tanbark industriel and other manufactories in rvhich wood is used.
Forest Service olficials say that one of the most difficult things in this kind of rvork is to keep the lists of, operators in the various lumber industries complete and up to date.
Any California or Ne'r'ada manufacturer ducts who fails to receive by January 20 a reeuesting information on his business is noiifv thJDistrict Forester, Ferr.v Building,
Minton Lumber Company Observes Birthday Of Profit Sharing
(From a recent issue of the Palo Alto Times.)
To celebrate the first year of profit-sharing with its employes the Minton Lumber Company, Inc., gave a banquet in Mountain View Saturday evening at Mockbee Hall. Two hundred people, employes of the concern, and their friends and relatives, attended the affair. An interesting program ; of addresses and music followed the banquet. It has been decided to give such a celebration annually upon the cutting of each year's "melon."
The Rer'. V. N. McCombs gave an address on industrial co-operation and H. A. Hoyt of Palo Alto, secretqry o{ the company, spoke on the quality of co-operation' President E. G. IVllnton presented certificates of preferred stock in the company as the ernployes' share in the profits and advised the ,i0 who liad sharid in this year's $17,500 "melon" to turn in the stock and invest the returns in homes or other kinds of property.
The-Minton Lumber Company rvas established five years ago in l\4ountain View with a staff of seven.people'. The giowth of the company has been steady until now it employs 100 people.
of wood pro- HAyWARD LUMBER COMpANy
/ ik rnvestment Lompany rs )an r ranctsco'/ ning trvo new yards, one at Oceanside and the other at f Esco4dido'
II. D. Mortenson, of the Pelican Bay Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon, has left for Washington' D. C., on a business trip. On his way west, he will stop a.t Chicago and other midate western cities to attend to business matters.
f The Hayward Lumber & rnvestment Complny is, plan-
'fiEle yards rvill be the latest thing in lumber "Service Stations."
Haynes Lumber Company Opens At Torrance
Mr. A. J. Haynes, and E. E. Lehman have opened the Haynes Lumber Company, a retail yard, at Torrance.