1 minute read
Here is Schumacher Wall Board---You carr. tell it by the Trade Mark
Upon every convenient eized strip of Sctrurnacher Wall Board is the trade rnark which identifies it.
This trade rnark is put there for your protection.
There are nany inferior wall boards on the rnarket-wall boards that are rnade to sell at a cheap price. Materials and workrnanship are skirnped and the use of these wall boards will prove costly in the end.
Guard yourself against these substitutes. fnsist upon Schurnacher Wall Board, the result of years of painstaking care and experirnenting based rrpon expert knowledge.
There can be no other wall board like "Schurnacher" for it is rnanufactured under patents that protect it. The narne and reputa- tion of a reliable rnanufacturer stand back of it. Look for the trade rnark.