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Weaver Roof Company Moves Into New Offices
The Weaver Roof ComPanY of Los Angeles, well known uP and down the Pacific Coast as manufacturers of "Weaver Roofing," has moved into its new offices and warehouse at 2436-46 East Eighth Street, Los Angeles.
For many years the Weaver Roof Company has occupied offices on East Second Street, Los Angeles, while its warehouse has been at2II0 Atlantic Street, the manufacturing plant being located at Slauson and Iron Streets.
The company has long since outffrorlrn its quarters on East Second Sylvcster L.'Wcaver Street ahd has, like many other growing Los Angeles concerns, been trahsacting business under the serious handicap of limited space.
The new business home erected specially for Weaver Roof Company was designed expressly to meet the needs of the growing business, providing as it does the proper office facilities and sales departments as well as adequate rvarehousing, all under one roof.
From a comparatively small concern of a few years ago, Weaver Roof Company has grown to immense proportions until today it is one of the outstanding manufacturers of ioofing on the Pacific Coast, employing upwards of 200 men. The territory,covered by Weaver Roof Company has been very largely expanded during the past few years, one of the big markets for the products of the company now being the Hawaiian Islands.
The new building now occupied by Weaver Roof Company is a one-story structure,80xl00 feet, giving 11200 sq. ft. of floor space. 'The skylightihg of the entire building is so designed as to provide a constant flood of daylight-without shadlow-making ideal working quarters for the army of employes.
I1 ii ttre anticipation of the company to greatly increase its volume of business now that enlarged facilities for service are available, the Weaver plant on Slauson Avenue having also been greatly expanded during,the pastyear. ^
Sylvester L. Weiver, president of Weav'er Roof Company, has been a prominent figure in civic and state afiairs ior many Jrears. -He is a former president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and is actively idgntified with itany prominent business orgahizations. Through his geniuslnd efforts he has built up what is recognized as one of ttre most efficiently organized roofing production plants in the United States.
The site for the new Weaver offices and warehouse on East Eighth Street was negotiated ahd the entire deal transacted by C. A. Kurlander of the G. W. Lewis Company of l-os Angeles.