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BemiS and COwan Sash
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Prominent San Francisco Lumberman Weds
A wedding of unusual interest to the lumber trade ofl the Pacific Coast occured at San Francisco on February 6, when Miss Grace IVIarie Qrowe of Portland, Oregon, became the bride of M. L. Euph?iirc an Franciico. Mr. Euphrat has been associated with the lumber business in California for many years and is vice-president of the Wendling-Nathan Lumber Cqmpany of Sah Francisco. Mf._lQgphra! is well known and eitre-ely popular in social c]?EiesT-Portland, and is a sister of Guy E. Crowe and Carl C. Crowe of Portland, Oregon, who are both associated with the lumber industry of the Northwest. The wedding was witnessed by about fifty of their friends and the nervlyweds are now on a hoheymoon trip in the Northwest.