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Interior Finish qII Philippine Mahogany

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The magnificent Shirkmere Hotel in Wichita, Kancas. Thir Hotel recently completed in Wichita, Kanra.r, ic one of the finest examplel of a reaidential hotel

Thc entirc intcrior firirh ir of Philippinc Mahogany eupplicd by ue to the United Millwork Company of Wichita.

"Thc moet be'aritiful doors that Gvcr came to Wichitar" wal the owncrr commcnt oD recing the 'Philippine Mahogany doore rupplicd by the Pacific Door and Sarh Company of Lor Angclcr, to whom we alto rupplicd the Philippine Mahogany.


should hnoro rnore About Philippine Mahogany

Philippine Mahogany can bc ured mort econonically and itr beauty of grein and finirh mekc it idcal for ure not only whcn e Mahogany finirh ir dcrircd, but alro for waluut rnd fumcd finirhcr, or thc populer partel rhadc enemel Gnirh.

Writc for priccr end folder

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