1 minute read
The .W'hole :Weaver Outfit
Wants to Knou You Conaention Visitorsl
lVclcome, llfertern Retail Lumbcr Mcr. chantat \f,felcone to Lor Angcler. Morc than thrcc thourand of you men rrc going to attcnd thir big convcntion. end e:tenrivc planr have been madc, accord. ingly. A grcrt many of you arc \f,felver RooGng Dcalerr. Some of you arentt. But to ALL of you-rcgardlcr of whorc roofing you rell-wc extend. a real, old-
Weaver farhioncdn fricndly handclarp. We want to know YOU-and wc think you ought to know US. Thc fact that wc hevc a lergc and bury plant where wc manufacturc lVcavcr Roofing a large \f,ferchourc, rpaciour nerv officcs and ZtO cmploycer provcr prctty conclurivcly that we Lnow how to make roofing ar well ar fricndr. Comc end aGG u..
Roof Company, Manufacturers, Sylverter L. Weaver
Plant-Corner Slauron and lron Ste. NEW Officel-243{d;46 East 8th Street
Phone Broadway O784 Lol Angeles

Mrnrdtrrl Bdtor
A.M. THACKABERRY Clrculefion 141-fir
J. E. M^A,RTTN M|r. Sea Freaclro Ofilcc