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Fublbhrd ttc trt aad lstt ol otch noa6 at OI-O FAY BLDG, L(xI ANGELES. CAL TEIJ,PHONE !A&5G EDtGd ar Sc@nd-clru nrtt r Scptenbcr A, lit?. et tts Portofico et Ior Ang.l.r, Crlittrd., undcr Act ol MrrcL t, f8?t.
San Francirco Oficc tl Mrtroa Eldr. Phonc{,anlr 3f|O
Southcra O6cc al Crrtc Bildr.nul]rru
Northvcrtcrn O6cc lat N*thrctora Bk. Bl&. Portlud, Orra1u
Subrcription Pricc, f2.00 pGr yGar. Singlc Copicr 5c cech. LOS ANGELES, CAL., FEBRUARY 15, 1924 Advcrtirin3 Rrtcr on Applicetlon
How Lumber Looks
On fte morning of the thirtecnth, e San Franchco mill rnan raid, "Qderr arc coming in fairly god, the rail burinsr ir ar good ar we could expect, a,nd ar far ar I am conccrried, I am eatirfied with the outlook for the bal,ance of the monlh."
ln Loa'Angelee thir cornment war made: "Orderr are nishty few and far behreen " ln the southern part of the state the dealerc are stocked up, and'they are not buying, at least are not buyrng as brisk a^r ir urual for Februery. It ir tte gencral curtom to rtock up during thir rmnth, in anticipation of thc increared brui. nere ttat comer after the 6rrt of March (t x time). Conmon randoma are weak, and upper gradet are not ar firm ae of two weeke ago. Shinglcr have not cbangcd. Cutting orderr are recciving nrcrc aftention, and ttere ir a higher percentage of the buineer being pLced in cutting.
There are two angler, one good, the other bad. And while they do confict, at the rarne time, the wholerale market ir fer from hedthy.
Southern California ir rtill getting more lumber, bott by rail and veerel, ttan rhe wantl, and can abcorb. Head liner of a Loc Angelec morning pap6r a few deyb ago, were mighty eignificant to a lumberman On one ride of the rheet, in large t5pe, "Lor Angeler building permitr fall to $13rO0Orq)O.OO for JanuarSr"; on the other aide of the rheet, "One hundred and fifty millio,n feet of lumber received'at port duing January.t' That ie too much lumber for ttat anrount of building. San Pedro har taken sare of a hundred and eighty rnillion feet of lumber in a montt, and har moved it by rail to Loo Angeler and the imrnediate vicinity, there being a market created by twenty to twentythree million of dollarr in building. BUT, it ir ectimated that a brm&ed and fifty million feet in a month is equivalent to twenty million dollerc of building, and there you are.
In Lor Angelee, for Februarg on the average eetabliehed for the first week, the permite will run to $15,0O0,OO0.O0. To the night of the twelfth, 56 cargoer had been reported at San Pedro, carrying TSTOOOTOOO feet, in round numberr. This would indicate a much hrgher total of shipmente for the montt, than for the firct month of the year, and the permitr not correrpondingly higher.
Reportr come from the millr that ttey are ritting tight, are not fighting for burineu, and that in the rnajoritv thcv feel tte market to be firm.
Orderu for the Atlantic Coart are being placed at reported pricer that would make the shipnent of anything into California a ridiculour move, at the preaent pricea East€trn and'Middle Wecterrr rail ordere arc reported to be sod. The last report from the Wert Coart Lurnbermen'r Arsociation rhow tteir member millr ar having a total of over rixty-three hundred can of unfilled rail orders. Thc rnillr are increaring t{reir cut, the weatlrer continuing favorable, and rome of them ere putting on their recond rhiftr.
In a week, 32 member millr of tte Weet Coart Lumbermen'! Asociation cut IOS'(XX)'OOO feet, and fhey eold 96 million. Thir is a tlight advance in manufac{rre and thc orderr fell down about eighteen :milEon feet from tte week before. Shipmentr for thir lart weck totdlcd onc lrundred'and frve million feet, ar compared to 114 million feet for tte week before. Thia lart report rhowr ttreir ralcr at 8Vo below the cut, and their cat l6Vo above norrnal
The California Redwood Auociation millr nnnrfactrred nine million feet, and sold cix and one-hdf million feet, in the week Thir ic a loor in rdee of a little'over e million feet.
The member m,illr of the Southern Pine Araociation manufactured T4TOOOTOOO feet for the we€h and orderu ran to jurt the same arnount. They rhippd 85 million.