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Welcome Western Retailers

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Delegates to tfre annual Institute of the Western Retail Lumbermen's A& sociationr-{-alifornia in general" and the grerrt lumber consuming city of Los Angeles in particularr-lils[ss6es you.

The latch+tring is out and conspicuously decorated so that it cannot posaibly be missed; the glad-hand is ready and itr grip is splendldly condial; the big Los Angeles gmile is prepared to beam upon you; and dI that lumbermen can do for lumbennen whom tfiey respect and would show their good will for, will be done for you during your stey here.

Los Angel* ir a hospitable city. Its lumber citizensHp is of a character that you yill delight to become better acquainted with. And it is surounded by a terito'ry whose world-wide fame is based no less ulron the virile character of its citizenship than upon the benificence of a kindly Providence which har so freely hlesced it; for verily, the Lard has His arm around Southern C,alifop nia"

The brotherlrood of builders will gather from all parts of Southern C-alifornia in ite metropolic to assist in mak'ng you welcome, and enioying with you the week of cooperative efiort at both business and pleasure, that has been arranged

This is a special invitation to last-minute doubters, not to miss the Institute. It wilt be a great one. There will be much to see, to hear, and to do, and all of it highly enjoyable. The entertainment provided will do justice to the greatness of this lumber city, and the business progFam is one that will send every interested delegate back to his phce of business better prepared to cope with the problems of his affairs for the next year.

COME! And sit down with your brothers-and sisters, for there will be wonderful representatives of the fair ssx in lumber-in close communion to the end that the territory of the Wegtenr Retail Lumberments Association may be the better served as to its building needs during the year to come.


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