5 minute read
Western Retail Lumbermen's Association
LOS AI\GELES, February 18th to 23rd,1924
Note: Sessions will be held at the "Cinderella Roof," 422W. Sixth St., instead of at the Biltmore.
MONDAY MORNING 10 A. M. Directors' Meeting. Committee Meetings.
MONDAY AFTERNOON 2P.M. Directors' Meeting. Committee Meetings.
Mtsic for all scssions arranged for by Mr. F. Dean Prescott, ritlr cornplimcnts of San Joaqriin Valtey Lumcrbmcn's Club.
Singing-Led by Alexander Pollard.
Inv6caiion-"Pa-rson" Peter A. Simpkins, Chaptain of Hoo Hoo. Song-"Am'erica."
President's Address-O. A. Spear, Provo, Ijtah.
Secretary-Treasurer's Report-A. L. Porter. Report of Traffi.c Department-R. S. Brown. Discussion of Traffic Problems.
Led by R. S. Brown, Traffic Manager.
Appointment of iCommittes : Nominations. 'Resotutions.
,Code of Ethics.
1925 Institute.
Address: "The Average Man."-Douglas Malloch, Poet and Humorist, American Lumberman,, Chicago, Illinois.
Music by california ct,irfbT;r?lt:tn
Add,ress: "The Wholesaler-His Obligations and Opportunities in the Distribution of Lumber."-T. B. Lawrence, Southern 'Califoro'ia Manager, Hart-Wood Lumber Co,, Los Angeles, Cal.-
Address: -"Random and Rambling Remarks."-Jack Dionne, 'qCalifornia Lumber Merchant."
Music by California Girls' Quartet.
Address: "One Sure Way of Reducing Your'Overhead"-O. D. Hauschild, Manager, R.etail Lumbermen's Inter-Insurance Exchange, Minneapotis, Minn.
Addiess: 'llCur Experience with Ptan Service." O. R. Taylor, Routt Lumber Co., Fr,esno, rCal.
E P. M. IIoo Hoo Dinncr and Concatcnation
Where? Well, never mind, 'but it $'ill b€ in the most unique place in southern 'California. This is .going to be the Aiggest, the host unusual, and the best concatenation in Hoo Hoo history. You',ll always remember it.
Theatre Party for the lad,ies.
All visiting lidries, and the men who are not attending the Hoo Hoo Concatination,' are invited to attend. Special cars will take the party to Grauman's Hollywood Theatre, to witness the spectacls "The Ten Commandments."
Singing-Led by Alexander Pollard.
"LfikJ in the Lumber Business."-By F. D. Prescott, Fresno. This session will be in change of The Los Angeles Distr'ict Lumbermen's ,Club. E. D. Tennant, Secretary-Manager.
Address: "It is My Move First."-E. D. Tennant.
Address: "IJncoveiing the Hidden Spots."-Sam H,ayward, VicePresident and 'General-Manager, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
Demonstrating Proper Way to Sell the Contractor. By (Names to be announced later.)
Discussion of vital problems by members of Club.
Music by Southland Trio.
Discussi6n: "should A Yard Be Closed After Losing Money Two Consecutive Years." "Proper Charge for Space on 'R4lway Right-of-Way." Lod by Frank Kendall, Manager, Retail Dept''
Potlatch Lumber Co., Spokane, Wash.
Discussion: "'The Thi'ee Elbments-Turnover-Expense-Margin." Led by H, A. Templeton, President; Monarch Lumber 'Co., 'Great Falls, Mont.
Address: "Husbands and Wives."-Douglas Malloch, Poet and Humorist, American Lumberman, Chicago, Illinois.
Address: "The How and Why of Mill Work Costs."-E. R, Maule, Hammond Lumber Co., Lbs Angeles, Cal., and Ed. Nicholson, Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles, 'Cal.
Dirurer and Dance-Ballroorn Biltrnore Hotel
This will be one of the most brilliant afrairs hetdt in Los Angeles for some time. The Los Angeles Entertainment Committee has arranged a program o,f artists that are all first class.
10 A. A. Sharp
Singing-Led by Alexander Pollard.
Thii session wiil be in charge of the Coast rCounties Lumbermen's Club, C. H. Griffin, Jr.. President.
Address:'(Subject to be innounced tater){. H. Grifrn,,Jr.' Serjretary, Homer T. Hayward Lumiber Co., 'Santa 'Cruz, Califoriga.
- -Address: __(Subj:ct- to be announced later)-Geo. 'W' Wood' Manager, Wood Bros. Co., Santa ,Cruz, California. "stindirdiation of Patterns and Sizes."-A. W. Cooper.
2 P. M. Sharp
Music by California Concert Co.
Addressi "Benefits of a State Organization." By A' B. Wastelt Secy. California Retail Lumberm,en's Assn., San Francis-co, 'Calif. D'iscussion: "How May We Improve Business Conditions in Farming Sections."
"ereative Salesmanship and the Right Kind of"Service." Led by C. H. Crawford, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Walla 'Walla, lWash.
Discussion: 'qWhat Can be Done to Increase the Earning Power of the Farmer,"
"Rcducins Merchandise Investment Without Sacrificing Volume of Sai6s or Service to the Community." Led by Robt. Anderson, General Manager, Anderson & S.ons Co', Logan, Ut.
Discussion: "Better Roofs."
"Terms of Sale."
"Abuse of Return Habit." Led by B. J. Boorman, President Boorman Lumber rCo.. Oakland, 'California.
Matinee Party for the tadies.
Special cars will leave the Pacific Electric at I P. M., going to San Gabriel, to the , Theatre.
"The Mission Flay," California's celebrated one of southern California's main attractions. and urgedr to attend.
10 A. M. Sharp
Mus'ic by Southland Trio.
Main 'Street Station, famous Mission Flay historical pa,geant is All ladies are invited
Addressi "The Retail Lumber Business Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." "Parson" Peter A' Simpkins, Chaptlain of Hoo Hoo'
The Lumbermen's Mutual SocietY.
Facts and Figures-By F' E. Robbins, Pres. Secretary-Treasurer's Report-A. L',Porter'
Discussion: "Value of Our Insurance Society."
Led by B. J. Boorman, President, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, California.
2 P. M. Sharp
S'inging-Led by Alexander Pollardt
Music-by California Girl's Quartet...
Addt..ri "What Has Been Accomptished Thus Far in the Stan4' ardization of Patterns and Sizes."-(By Government Reprbseetative)
(Continued on Page 18)
(Continued from Page 17)
Discussion: "Financing Small Homes." "Maintaining a Profitabrle Service."
- L"d ,!y C. W. ,Gamrble, General Manager, Boise-Payette Lurnber Co., Eoise. Idaho.
Discussion: "Relative Values of Different Kinds of Construction." "Building Material Specialists." Led by I. G. Kjosness, Madison Lbr. & Mill Co., Lewiston. Idaho.
Reports of Committees and Election of Officers.
SATURDAY MO.RNING l0 A. M.-Lounging Room
Dir.ector's Meeting-Western Reta,il Lumbermen's Association. 1l A. M. Director's Meeting-Lumbermen's Mutual Society.

AII dreresates will be ,"i"1'tf;,itffibiles from Bittmore Hotel for a rid_e_ _ove_r tle principal streets of Los Angeles, past the homes of the "Mov,ie Queens" and then to one of the lirge producing studios to witness a picture in the making.
An adtded -feature- provided by the Committee, will ,be a large sight-seeing bus, which will be at the door of the Convention Headquarters, _all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
This car will make two trips a day, at l0 A. M., and at Z P. M,, going for different scenic trips each day.
All visitors are invited to avail themselves of this opportunity to see some of the Southland's beauties.
Mr. F. A. Clough rvill act as manager of this offrce, which is located in the Spreckles Building, room 316.
Mr. Clough has been associated rvith Fletcher & Frambes in their sales department for two years past, and on account oJ hf" p!.st good service has been promoted As manager of the San Diego branch.
His territory will cover San Diego and adjacent points up to Oceanside, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial Vallev.
Price Cutting
Price cutting is the very lowest form of salesmanship.
When a salesm:an has to resort to cutting the price in order to make the sale, he has played his last trump car'd.
A salesman who can secrlre business onty by cutting the price is a liability and an expense to any firm.
The office boy. can sell merchandise at cost, or less. It takes a real salesman to sell goods at a fatr margin of profit in spite of competition.
In the language of the golfer who is trying for a long drive; "Don't PRESS or you'll dub the shot."
Don't get too anxious to sell. Talk about tlre things that should make the other fellow interested tn buying; let him see where the purchase will be of benefit to him.
A good golfer, when putting, hits the ball strarght, and just hard enough to reach the hole. a good salesman makes his talk straight, and ;ust long enough to land the order.
Too many salesrnan are too much afraid..of and too much interested in, their competitors. The salesman wh,o gives his entire interest to his prospect and his propositionr gets the business most satisfactorily.