1 minute read
Floyd A. Dernier of the Lumbermen's Service Association
Possiblv never before in the history of ret"iiii"'iti"l.t t,"i tttit great bu-siness been in suih a high state of competltton. as '$'e frnili t"atv] All "t. wondering whlt. the "ra *ili-Oi,'some few have awakened to a realization that only the fittest wrll survlve ii;;;;;ti conditicvns continue' Others, manv of'them. are adopting more modern metnoos ;;,i'i;;i";d of birsving themselves with trvi# i;";; j;;t h;* "cheaplv thev can .s.ell lumber and still stay in,business, lre bololy takine the initiative and placrng thetr DusIni.r "*h"te it rightfulty betcrngs-on a par with other successful merchandtsrng agencies.
Aou Retail Buildins Material Merchants are representatives of one of the largest com-.aiiG iequired to carry on our ever-y day activities. Home Building and general construction are the greatest stimulus tor gen- -'-i-piosp""itv. The success of all-other ;;rl";;;;i depends upon vour activities' Your investment is equal or greater than theirs. You also have reputations at sta*e which must be protected, in addition to investment,
Iust call to mind the many purchases you "tr-d yotr famity make' all direct-.with the merchant handling those various llnes. lvho make their merchandise available to you at a price which gives them a legitimatc profit. They have educated you to take .tor eranted the price thev ask is a fair and just one and you wouldn't-think of insulting them bv oresentins a Pencil sharPener. -All other merchants make their appeals direct to the consumer; they do creative advertising, instill desires for their- prod,uct-s and follow this up with a service which creates confidence and commands consideration.
Automobiles-No one in the world is interested in automobile parts, excepting the fellow who has a jimmied car and needs repair parts. You would never think when