2 minute read
Non-Competitive Business
buvine a car to inquire about the cost of the wheels, gears, hood, englne, etc'-ano vou must remember Home Builders are no i"-" lnt.t.tted in home parts than automobile buvers are in auto parts' r hey nave a certairi amount of money and want to know what they can buy complete lor.tnerr savinss. Its up to ybu to show and telt ihem"what they can have;. if you are not oieo"rea to do -this, then there is only -one alternative, keep on pushing-a p-encil and De satisfied with what competitive buslness you can grab. --br"vsoods Stores-What do you know abouf ihe pattern departments conducted by ihese merihants? Have you ever wondered whv. the reasons for, and the methods emoloved? ,Here's food for though-t- and an eximile which you can do well to stuoy' Fii'ti, ttt" choiiest floor space is devoted to this department; illustrations ccrnveyrng.att iii" lit,i"i ideas'from the world of Jashion iii io""eniently arranged for inspection- and ready to be adopted. Compete-nt attendants are on hand to impart practtcal tnlormatlon' At first vou ask-what is the big idea' all of this expinse and service just to sell patterns at ten. fifteen or twenty cents each. N-o' Now Listen,-on their shelves are to be found a complete assortment of dress- goods; being broad minded business men, they apor".iate in order to create demands for this class of merchandise they .must first instill desires for dresses, etc., which they do -b-y means of attractive illustraticrns; this is tollowed up with a pattern which shows and lelts jusi how to cut the cloth and sew. it toeether in order to secure the same results th6v selected from the illustrations.
Itt" connection Mr. Building Material Merchant-In your Yards and on YoYr shelves you have, building materials and the verv best way for you to create demanc for-them at piofitable prices is to encourage home building and assist home builders by showine varietv of moderu home pictures and follow thil up hy furnishing detailed plarrs. Creative business is non-competi- tive: furnishinc the materials is secondarya certain amount is required to build any kind of a home.
In order for you to become a successful buildins material merchant it is necessary ifrit v6u provide a service room where Home Builders and Contractors can become acquainted with modern building ideas' This room should be fitted with one or. more tables, chairs and plan service. Jtdake it convenient for home builders to study the olans vou have made available. The room should- be attractive, neatty papered or tinted. the windows should be hung with draperies. On the floor you can show t_he various varieties of flooring you carry. On display there should be a breakfast no9E, built-in ironing board, medicine cabinet, full length mirrored doors and such other special features that you carry or are willing to handle. Such a room will not onl.y attract customers, but will convey your good intentions. to serve. which in turn will make friends, give confidence and secure. for you non-competitive business. One modern merchandsing firm recently advised the writer that over one hundred and fifty full length mirror doors were sold to women who already owned homes. Power of Suggestion, if you please, for these same women were not interested in mirrored doors until these doors were called to their attention and their convenience explained. There have been .many modern conveniences recently created which home builders would appreciate having installed in their old homes if they were properly brought to their attention. That's part of your business.
These thoughts and suggestions are timely, for everywhere lumber dealers are considering plans for transforming their business from its present deplorable condition of unreasona,ble competition into Modern Merchandising establishments, and the increased profitable non-competitive business which Modern Merchandising and Service creates, examples which are in evidence everywhere, commands your consideration.