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About LOI\tCr.\ruEu/
An uvertisement by ttrc Lon$iew Compary =" [on$iew,lVashington
An Independeot City
Longview is an independent American city where all industrial and business enterprises are welcome on an equal footing. Its tocation alone-in the very heart of the great productive Pacific Northwest; on the-Columbia River,_ .with its ocean-going liners; served by three transcontinental railroads; the center of a rich agricul- tural area and the hub of two lnter- natiolally Jamous highways-deter- mined why Longview was - carefullv planned to take its ptace amons the great cities of the Pacific Northwest.
Under Conrtnrction
Among the larger projects under construction at,Longview are: An electrrc p-q{gl plant, 194 by 310 feet in si2e,.36,000 kilowatt capacity; the hrst unit- of The Long Bell Lumber L-ompany's lumber manufacturing plants-structures that will take--J? acres of roofing to cover; and the ently located. It is capable of furnishing Longview almost an unlimited supply of purest mountain water.
Rail Ofrcialr Virit longyiew
For Suburban Homcr
The Water Supply
An abundance of pure water is temporarily supplied Longview from a number of wells, each one more than 200 feet deep. Though temporary, no detail has been overlooked to insure the new city that the supply meets the most exacting standards of the state board of health and the United States Public Health Service. While an inspection by experts found no contamination, nevertheless a flltering plant was installed which sup- plies pure, clear, palatable water for every purpose.
A. B. Smith, passenger traffic qlanager, Northern Pacific, P. S, Eustis, ,_ passenger' traffic manager, the Burlington line, and A. J. Dickrnson, passenger traffic manager, Great Northern and other officials- of t-hese three railroads visited Long- view January 8,1924. Thev *ei" tl" lu-ncheon guests of the- Long- view Chamber of Commerce and weie taken for a tour of Longview bv'a committee from the Cham6er of Com_ Irerg-e. The Northern pacific, the Burlington and the Great Noitt ern ar.e n.g,\'y conducting a million dollar ao^ver,ttstng campaign on the great pacrnc Northwest.
Pipe and Brick Plant
More than 2,000,000 concrete brick and 35 miles of pipe of various sizes were manufactured by the Longview Concrete Pipe Company and the Longview Brick Plant in 1923. The brick plant furnished material for many of the larger buitdings con- structed in Longview. Six* ditrerent varieties and color of bricl< can be produced at this plant.
Suburban homesites are now' available in Columbia Valley Gardens. The tracts are from three-quarter acre to five acrbs in size and are within a
A rctall-burlnc-rs dtstf,lct
It is the custom of the Pacific Northwestern cities to secure large watersheds in the mountains, and bring down by pipeline a pure and unfailing supply for the needs of the PpPulatign. In that respect, Long- view will be no exception, and such a watershed has been setected, conveni-
Longviewtr Benkt
Longview has two banks, each housed in its own handsome building -the Longview National Bank and the Lumberman's Bank & Trust Company. The combined rerources of the two banks are about $800,000.
mite and a half of the center of Lonc- view. They are to be improved wit-h gravel streets and city water.
.These tracts provide an opport'u- nrty to s.erve t_he growing city with a wrde- variety of vegetables and berries whrch grow to perfection in the rich b_lack silt and loam of the Columbia Valley Garden district. The ctimati and soil are admirabte for the growrng ,ot flowers, bulbs and ornamental shrubberv.
. Poultri raising and. dairying are qesr.rned to be among the most prof_ rlaole tndustries in the valley. The mud even temperature is conductive to egg production. For dairvins. pastures are _green practically th6 ei_ trre year and the grass is hiavy and rich. Good roads-bring you ioitf,in qurct( and easy access of markets.
Gentlemen:Plcasc ecud mc litcraturc concerntng -tlrc ncw city of ,Iaagview. f a-rn..particularly iotcrcitcd in it, otDor. tunttle! Iot:
(Makc a check mark ia the rquerc) [l Manufacturing [l Rcteil