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Ten Powerful ReasonswhyYou Should Attend the Los Angeles Institute
(From the last issue of "The Western Retail Lumberman.")
1. You will hear the most instructive and thought provoking convention'program ever staged in the history of the retail lumber business of the West. No oralory-just practical talks by men from the firing line.
2. You will come in oersonal contact with men who follorv the same vocatibn-gain new friendships and learn what the other fellow is doing.
3. You will find out which way the wind is blowing and be able to adjust your sails and attune your plans so that your bttsiness will show the maximum profit f.or 1924.
4. You will learn how to properly direct the building thjnking of your community-better serve the consumer-and become a more progressive building material merchant.
5. You will see practical demonstrations of the right and wrong way of lumber merchandising.
6. You will gain practical ideas and suggestions that can be immediately put to work earning money for you.
7. You will greatly benefit by the open discussion of all vital problems confronting the retail lumber industry.
8. You will learn about the cheapest and safest fire insurance for retail lumber yards.
9. You will find the solution of any transportation problem confronting your business.
10. You will witness a Hoo-Hoo Concatenation which will be bigger and better than ever was thought of before -And in Addition-
You will be provided with enough fun and entertainment to make your Southern California visit one of cherished memory.
Regarding the Wednesday Evening Dinner Dance
The Los Angeles Committee, in charge of the entertainment during the Western Retail Convention, next week, wishes to request an early reservation from all tfiose planning to attend the dinner dance, Wednesday evening.
It will be necessary to make these reservations not later lhan Monday aftern(x)n, the 18th, and from present indications all tickets will be taken by that time.
All lumbermen are invited and urged to attend.
Grand Ball Promises to be Brilliant
At the Annual Ball and Entertainment of the Western Retail Lumbermens' Association. to be held on Wednesday night, the 20th, the visiting lumbermen and their ladies will be given a fine example of Los Angeles hospitality. -tr'rom present indications, there rvill be five or six.hundred in attehdance at this affair, which will be held at the Biltmore Hotel, in the main ball room, and will start at 7 p.^.
The menu that has been selected is one that will tipkle the palate. Food, and much of it.
Then come the speeches. This will consist of one or possibly two short r.r"ppy talks by well known lumbermen, there will be no long speeches at the dinner.
The entertainment program will be a surprise. A Review, containing an array of talent hard to duplicate, will be offered, and the committee has promised something extraordinary.
Dancing rvill continue until 1 a. m. Good music, a splendicl dancing floor, lots of pretty girls, nuf ced.
Nice Publicity Given Convention
The Los Angeles daily and Sunday newspapers have been carrying considerable publicity on the Western Retailers' Convention.
Mr. H. McCall, the efficient Los Angeles mahager for the Association has been looking after this publicity end of the convention, and has secured some good space.