2 minute read
Hoo-Hoo in 1924
By C. D. Le Master Snark of the Universe
This is the season for new resolutions; organizations as well'as individuals going on record as to their ideals and purposep for the coming year,
It i5 a plCasure, as Snark of the Domain of the Great Black. Prince, to say for the membership of IIoo'Hoo:
That we believe in the principles upon which the Order was founded;
That, we as individuals, became members of HooHoo for the purpose of aiding in the promotion of those principles;
That we are convinced that the aims and purposes, as set forth in our Code of Ethics, are the cardinal iirinciples upon which progress is built; -
That we fully realize the responsibililf and duty we owe to our industry;
That we acknowledge that all benefitS coming to us' are the result of our Government bnd that we first" owe allegiance and patriotic support to our instituted form of Government, its Constitution and Laws
That we believe, to be entitled to share in the business profits of our respective committies, we owe our' support to their public constitutions and their civic betterment;
That we believe sincerely in the Golden Rule;
That we have the courage of our convictions and stand united to champion those higher ideals which make for progress.
There never was a time in the history of our industry when it was more urgent that lumbermen of all its branches needed to get togetTrer and discuss their problems thor' oughly andlarefully. One of the biggest and most worthy act-s a Hoo-Hoo can perform is that of creating harmony among lumbermen.
, Association, one with the other, is a fundamental part in the scheme of human affairs and that association which is so necessary should be made pleasant and agreeable if better things are to be attained
Hoo-Hoo, therefore, will lend every efiort to bring about understanding and unity of purpose.
Our industry is our world. We helped to create it.and will help to keep it on a high standard. To do this we must have the respect of others and to have and hold that respect, we, as individuals, will seek to give value and tone to our respective communities. We will devote our share of thought, time and money to educational, civic and moral purpose. We will cooperate with others, aid them and in return be aided, thereby advancing better social and business relations. :
We will seek to broaden our knowledge aird ilevelop our understanding of the complex questions which confront us, to the end that we may coordinate our efforts in helping to find an equitable solution for these problerns.
Therefore, in making the New Year resel,ution, rrrie do so with the full knowledge of responsibility which it carries and unanimously say that we have the courage to carry our banner of progress even in the dark days of discouragement, to the ultimate end that our industry may be benefited thereby.
To the various Lumber Trade associations of the country, we u'ish to render lasting service.
To the Trade ,Press, the megaphone which carries the news to the people of our industry, our doors are open and our hands ready to help.
To the Forestry Department we would extend help "in the formation and enlightment of public sentiment in the United States of America, through such sound and practical principles of a National Forestry Policy as will con* tribute to the permanence of the lumber industry as one of the foundations of the nation's welfare and prosperity, thus insuring protection of all our standing timber and a retimbering of available waste lands, that perrnanent supply of timber.may be vouchsafed society.
To the citizens of this-great Republic, we aspire to be a most valued asset to the country-an instrument of achievement and a symbol of progress