2 minute read
Another of California's Beautiful Land Marks
vicinity of Paso Robles.
It stands 137 feet high, haq/a spread of 141 feet, and at one foot above the ground is 41 ft. 5 in. in circumference. No one knows the exact age of this old monarch, but they have estimated it to be close to 1,000 years old. Lumbermen have estimated that it would furnish 140 cords of wood.
Mr. J. M. H-ebbrgn/manager for the Homer T. Hayward
PasJ Robles, took this pictuie recently, and in his comments said that the residents of his district are very proud of the beauty of this giant.
Guy E. Cro$,, sales manager of the rail department in the Portland office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., was a recent visitor at the San Francisco offices of Chas. RMcCormick & Co. While in San Francisco, he had several conferences with the California sales fdrce of the Chas. RMcCormick Lumber Co., which includes Ed' Garland, San Francisco, manager of their rail department; O. L.- Russum' Sacramento and-San Joaquin Valley representatiye; A1 JMcWatters, Coast representative, and Floyd Elliott' San Francisco representative.
Mr. Crow states that lumber conditions in the Northwest are in prosperous condition and that the mills are all operating tb cJpacity. He says that the lumber demand from the l.tlantii Coist is good and that the demand from the Chicago and Middle West sections is exceptionally S99g-f-9t this time of the year. With the Atlantic Coast, Middle West, and Califoinia markets active, Mr. Crow reports that the lumbermen of the Northrvest are looking forward to an excellent demand during 1924.
After spending several days in San Francisco, Mr. Ct-9y left for Lbs Anglles to make a survey of lumber and building conditions in Southern California.
1125 Lane Mortgage Bldg. LOS ANGELES, CAL PHONE 879-585
B. J. Boorman ( 1924) -.Oakland, Calif.
E. C. Van Petten (1925) -Ontario, Ore.
H. J. Mattes (1924) --.----..-.------.--..Reardan, Wash.
F. E. Robbins, President (1926)--Tacoma, Wash. Robt. Anderson, Vice-Pres. (1925) ----Logan, Utah
Organized January lgt, 1904Over 20 yearc of corttinuous successful service to the retail lumber merchants of the West.

Indemnity on retail lumber yard risks at cost. The LUMBERMEN'S MUTUAL SOCIETY is a purely co-operative organization; not organized for Pr€t,,butaims rather to charge only enough io meet losse" "ttJ expenses and add a little to the surplus each year for the proverbial rainy diy.
From a beginning in 1904 of only a few thousand dollars of indernnity in force to $11,648,550.00 on December 31, 1923.
{ growing concern with a long.suc:essful record-a yearly increase in indernnity iir force and in assets; at three difierent periods an increase in savings to all contract holders; a solvent concern with no unpaid obligations; over eighty per cent of assets liquid and a reserve at all times sufficient to meet any emergency.
Every loss to .late, amounting to $5 49,499.00 adjusted and paid immediately upon receipt of proof and, in every instance settled to entiie satisfaction of contract holder.
Savingr to C,ontract Holdere-
1200 retail lumbermgn boldi_lg contracts in the Society at present are saving hundreds of thousands of dollars annually over what the indemnity with othei companies would cost them. The individual saving is from 25/o to 50%, depending upon the class of risk and board rate named.
Retail lumbermen are cordially invited to take advantase with the LUMBERMEN'S MUTUAL SOCIETY.furnished upon inquiry addressed to either office.