2 minute read
3O8 Colunrbb Bldg., SPOKANE, WASH.
A. L: Porter, Secy.-Treas.-Mgr. .-..--Spokane, Wash. J. Kendall (1924) -------Spokane, Wash.
J. G. Martin (1926) ------..---Fresno, Calif. J. M. Crawford (1926)-----."..-Walla Walla, Wash. I' 'G' Kjosness ( 1925') ---'-'Lewiston' Ida'
December 31, 1923
Cash in Banks Dec. 3 | , 1923
Bonds-Washington Water Power Co. -------
Through our own and similar orgadt_qti"lq we can insure preferred rits for any amount up to $50,000.00 f the saving which can be effected by carrying indemnity 'ull particuLtt ut to plan of operation, cost, etc,, will be
Favorable P_ublicity Given Lomita Lumbermen
Here is a nice bit of publicity that appeared recently in the Lomita "News," about two of that cities up-and-doing retail lumbermen, who evidently stand pretty well in their community. Note that the Hoo Hoo cat is present.

Southern California is a land of homes, the shrine of parental authority, where the youth are born and reared in that wholesome and moral atmosphere that only the home can furnish. New settlers are constantly arriving; tourists co'me and are captivated by the charms of the place; dissatisfied residents in other less fortunate parts are turning their attention to this, the promised land; the cities and countrysidq are growing with amazing rapidity; industry is being encouraged; resources are being developed; and the land is producing like a veritable Eden.
Provision must -be made for the large numbers of newcomers; homes they must have; school facilities must be assured-it is a big and worthy program and much of it relies upon the supply of lumber and adequate service of the lumber dealer. For, remember, ninety-nine per cent of the single and double houses that are built in this Southland are of frame construction.
Lomita is not wanting in this respect. The Lomita Lumber and Supply Co. has ample stocks on hand for the community's requirements, and it is in a position, by virtue of its close proximity to the tide-water distributing points, to get behind any kind of a specification and not only deliver the goods but do so in a prompt manner. That yard is Lomita's only lumber depot, and it is conducted on sterling principles by two gentlemen, by two boosters and by a pair of friendly and able lumbermen.
R.E-€itleg is a native son, having been born in Colton. He is every inch a lumberman, a man of good nature and one of acknowledged worthiness. His partner, another trained lumberman, $:..P-4$9ilgl5 was formerly at San Pedro for quite some time and is a m'an who is well knorvn in these parts.
If you are looking for good service and friendly treatment, then, by all means; take your order to the Lomita Lumber and Supply Co.
The building supplies are a potent part of the service to be had at this yard, not to be outrivaled by similar service anywhere.