2 minute read
The Lumber Service St ation
By Jack Dionne
I'd started out to build a barn. and thought t'would not be hard; so drove around until I found a place marked "Lumber Yard." "I want to build a bat'n and at this building game I'm lost; so dropped around to gOt some information as to cost." "You're right to come to me before you bother rvith the rest-of lumber dealers," said the man, "my price is always best." Then he begatr to quote me rates on many kinds of lumber; dimension, sheetiflg, timbers batts, and shingles without number. "You'il find'r said he "my prices right, and
= be your man." "And ry paint" said i, "and hardou"r., to make the barn complete?" "You'll find them both" the dealer said, "just three blocks up the stieet." "Come in again" he said to me, "o'er building dorr't 'tre nervous; for I'have clearly shown to you that we can give you SERVICE."
And out I weht, and up the street, and wondered what to do ? I hadnit thought to build a barn would make rne feel so blue. At planning and at figuring on building. green was I; "perhaps I'd better r'vait a while," I murmured u'ith a sigh. And then I stopped and rubbed my eyes, and looked, and looked some more; for right there was a plate glass front marked "PEP'S NEW BUILDING STORE." I perked right up, my spirits rose, and soon I was inside; and Mr. Pep was showing me around his place .,r'ith pride. He showed me rvorlds of built-in things, so wonderfully milled; and pictures, plans, and models, too, that make one want to build. ,,Nou,, 1\[r. pep,,, I said to him, "I've come to get advice; bout building me a barn, and also come to get your price. On shingles and on sheeting, on batts and on dimension; to build a barn both stout ant strong is surely my intention. So I would like to have your figures-see if you can beat; the prices quoted me b1Mr. Pip right up the street. Then I must go-and get the- price of ha.rdware and of paint; this building thing would surely try the patience of a saint."
Then Mr. Pep just said "Sit down, and make yourself at home; to buy a barn or any other building thing, you needn't roam. Because you see," he said to me, "our profit is YOUR gain; for from the building business we take every bit of pain. We've got the stock, 1ve've got the plans, we take all of the worry; we're selling BUILDINGS-not just stock-and Boy ! How rve do hurry." And then :ire brought attractive books from off a near-by shelf; and said here are a hundred barns-dig in, and help yourself. And when you find the plan and size that seems to fit,yeur needs; I'll tell you all about the cost, and'justhorv many "5ggdgt'-Ivg'll charge you for it. And please understand, bur price-irtcludes the lumbeq. and the plan, paint, hardi ware, and ADVICE. And il you..wish we'll recbmmend an hnnorable 'mair; whOtl ,cornpetently build it just according to the plan." '' ; 'i.':-
I looked, I picked, I bought, I paid, and now I go around; and tell the wotld {'.rn proud there's BUILDING SERVICE in this town. '