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A Page of News
Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisce
i At the regular Monday luncl.eon of the Lumber Salesinen's Club, San Francisco, held at the Palace .Hotel on lanuary 28, the guests of the d^y rvere Lloyd Harris, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco; George Corn- 'ivall, Portland; and E. Holmberg, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco.
' After the regular business session, Lloyd Harris talked on market conditions in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley territories, and the Bay District. He stated that the demand for lumber in the Bay District cities was very good, and that the recent rains had a very optimistic effect in the Valley Districts.
George Cornwall of Portland gave an interesting talk on the christening of the Pacific Coast woods, the beginning of the lumber export business on the Pacific Coast, and the domestic and export lumber markets.
E. Holmberg gave a short talk on lumber conditions in the Bay District.
Bill Clarkson A San Francisco Visitor
Bill Clarkson, well knolvn retail lumberman of Redwood Citv. rvas a recent visitor in San Francisco on business. Bill .r,as.formerly one of the popular members of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, and during his visit attended the Club meeting on February 4. IIe is very much enthused with Redwood City and told the members of the rvonderful progress and growth the torT'n had made during the past year and also predicted that there would be a great deal of building done in that community during 1924.
Albion Lumber Announces Change
The Albion Lumber Company has sent a notice to the trade, announcing the discontinuing of their former arrangement in the I-os ,\ngeies territory, where the Twphy T..umbeq Company has been handling their stock, and the opening of temporary heaclquarters at Los Angeles, at'421 Pacific Electric Building.
Lloyd Graham Locates In San Francisco
Lloyd Graham. formerly with the Seattle office of the Chicago Lumber Company of Washington, is now in San F'rancisco and will be connected with the San Francisco office of the company. He will act as the company's representative in the Bay District. L,loyd has been with the company's Seattle office for the past four years, but prior to his departure for the Northwest, he spent a couple years in the California pine mills. His father, L. V. Graham, of San F'rancisco, is the Vice-President and Manager of the Chicago Lumber Company of Washington.
Fletcher & Frambes, Los Angeles "*'holesalers of everything that the tree produces," have made another addition to their Los Angeles sales force.
Mr. A. P. Knapp, of Portland, joined this company on the first of February and will call on the Southern California dealers in the interests of this live outfit.
Mr. Knapp has had considerable lumber experience, having been connected with the Peninsula Lumber Company for time. Mr. F. C. Knapp, A. P. Knapp's father, is the president of the Peninsula Lumber Company.