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McCullough Fa$an To ShiP From Lake Washin$ton
Mr. B. W. Bookstaver, Los Angeles Manager, of thc-McCullough-Fagan Lurnber Company, has just returned trom an extEnded"trip throughottt ihe -Northwest, accompanied by Mr. A. R. McCullotfoh, Mr. Monroe Park, I\{anager of their Portland Office, ""ttd lttt. Roger Jayne, Manager of their Seattle Office, calling on Agencies which they represent exclusively in California.
While at Seaitle, they conferred with Mr- John Wo*man, President, and Mr-. Curtis Bostrvick, Manager of the Seatile Mill & Logging.Company, at I'i'hich time legotia- tions were contracted ior the-handling of this Mill's stock exclusively in California.
It rvas tirough the efiorts of the McCullough-Faga1 Lumber Compatty, that this mill located on Lake \Mashington, adjacent to ihe city of Seattle, was ab-le to enter into the cargo field, as the S. S. "Fo.est Friend" loaded there some tim-e ago, was the first vessel to ever navigate this body of water. So successful was this experiment, that a vessel ot 1500 M. feet capacity, has been obtained to run steadily to this mill, who witt fiom norv on ship fifty per cent of their cut to Southern California.
Louis Gallegos A Bay District Visitor
Louis Gallegos, manager of the American Lumber Co', Modesto, *as i recent SJn Francisco visitor, where [e. spent several days calling on the lumber trade in the-Bay District' He was also a visitor at the offices of A. A. Baxter, of the Douglas Fir Export and Exploitation Co., who is the vicepresident of the American Lumber Co.