1 minute read
Oklahoma Lumberman
Found Friend in California
(From the Gulf Coast Lumbermon, February l, lg}4) Jack Dionne, Houston, Texas:
"Aside from all bits of flattery and the general run of business, this one is 'straight from the hip.' After following the lumber business in Oklahoma and Texas and knowing THE GULF COAST LUMBERMAN as my closesl friend, I cannot help but take this privilege of getting this 'off my chest.', :'Hrlritrg bein several years with the,:J. J. Kt]latrick Post Company and the Hiawatha Lumber Company of Oklahorna City, I always '4i-4 *y stufi' with ihe aisptay ads of the above firms rvhile calling on.the trade in Te*at and Oklahoma, and to step out into the Golden West and find one of the good old Jack Dionne publications-as Briggs says-it- was 'a g3nd and gloiious feeling.' So I am just letting you kngw that here is one that is sure glad to get a copy'of The California Lumber Merchant at any time. It is sure good to see the familiar typ'e, and the copy 'goes home.'
"With the best of wishes for the success of your paper in the West, and to the ge.n-e1al prosperity <if the i,rrnU"t industry in both the middle west and Pacific Coast, I am
Very truly yours, PAT SUBLF.TT, Diamond Match ComPanY, Rosetille, Calif.
Capacity lo(X). . Doon Daily.
High Grade Stock and mixed ears ouf rpecialty.
All doorr made rnor' tise and tenon.