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About Balsarn,%olIT SELLS
THq past six months have demonstrated another prac- I tical featureof BALSAM-WOOL. It sells. From the very start, dealers' stocks have been moving. Sales predictions of. ayear ago are facts today.
BALSAM-WOOL has already proved ftself a live proposition for the trade. Unlike the ordinary. run of new building specialties it sold from the start. Home-builders, oarptsnters and'contractors are taking to:it fiuter tftan they have to any other irisulating material: If BALSAM-T9OOi, has proved itgelf prof;table fqry,the retailgr iq itslfifst jear, su-rely today it desefves the attention of every,live dbaler who wdnts toincrease,his Volume and profits;,,,: ri -, .,
Vhat Balsam-Wool Did . in One Territory
fn one middle western territory with a radius of fifty miles,46 dealers stocked B.A.LSAM-wool. A check - up amonllst these dealers after theyhad been handling f.l,t S.LM-WOOL on an averalie of three months showed that42dealers out of the 46 made sales amounting to about 4W ot theftori$nal orders.Ten of these dealers had sold out their first oiders entirely and were delivering from re. orders. One dealer delivered 8,000 feet on one house remodelingiob alone; the customer likin$ BALSAM -woOL so well that he put it on double and used it in newpartitions as a sound deadener.Another dealer's sales amounted to 30,000 feet, most of which went into remodeling, roof insulation and odd-time jobs.
Of these 46 dealero only nine had ever soid or etocked insulation belore they put in BAISAMWOOL Cori8idering that most of these dealere did not order until the buildiof eeason waa praotically over, this record is iery interestinf.
TheWood Conversion Company's offer to dealers is iust as fair,and'sensible as.it was a'yeaf ,aga,,Thelr want your first oqder,to be a small one. They are interested more ln your sales than they are in their orders. They wih show you how to sell BALSAM.WOOL and will furnish you with tested sales helps without charge. ' '
BALSAM-WOOL will make an ideal addition to your stock. For a small investment you can put in a stock that will take care of any iob. BALSAM-WOOL cosrs little to handle and stock. Every home.builder, home-own€r ond farmer is a prospective customer. BALSAM-WOOL profits are additional profits. BALSAM.WOOL does not displace nor does it compete with other items of yard stock. And besides, BALSAM-WOOL will make friends for you, every time you sell a roll.
You will find in your dealings with the Wood Conversion Company, who manufacture BALSAM-WOOL, the same spirit of fair dealing and the same business integrity that has charactetized this organization through sixty-five years of successfully serving the retail trade.
Sample, prices and complete information on BALSAMWOOL may be secured by addressing the Wood Conversion Co., Cloquet, Minn., or through our local district representatives, or by mail addressed to our nearest branch office.
Slbley lunber Co.,
July 24th, 19?3.
Attentlon lir. F. 1\'i. stbley.
Wo Eere lnformedl by the Wcotl Converslon Co. that you lv€ro oonslilellng taking on Sal.sao 1?oo1 Insulatlon ana tb€y hav€ askeil u6 to alrop you a l.ln€ glvtng our e:perl.enoo slno€ haaalllng th18 baterlal.
We nake lt a preotlce never to dlnrlge th€ volutc of our sales to anyon€r but oan aBeure you lt has b€€n a nlnner. We have been'eucceeeful {n gettlng thls paitloular natertel speoifl€A ln Dany Jobs, anA at the preEcnt are ile11ve!lng 40,000 feet on one Job whloh t6 a oonse:netot? of nusLo. 0f oourse th€ prlDary use ln thls ?artloular Job ls for deatlentng. Rest as-Buretl ire rnet the flolA anil woa 6ut.
Tbe oontraotols who baye u66d BalacE Bool ,al:l llk€ It beoauge lt ls nlo€ olean naterlal to haDdle anA ie qulolcr to epply than other laeulatlon naterlal on ths narket.
Sron the dealers polnt of vlew lt oan be naAe e gooil noney naker es the nargln 1s what re oall llberal ana a oarloatl can be unloaAed tn a J1ffy. our E€thoa,of atorlag nay not exaotly flt your 1ay out but we rl11 tleecrlbe lt neveltheleoe. 3a1sam Woo1 l.s rrctlt ltght so t€ hav€ bullt sevsral deoklngs 8 ft. higb oyer hlgb blns for tbls tlator1a1, suil bolow f,e storo the h€aw aEphalt sb1ngles.
Any spoolflo questtons you nay wa,at to asb, wa 't1.11 bs ftBnt l! eD8rerlltg.
V6r'y tnrly youra, SIEIUIIAS LUUBIE.
Pt71rrlar 9l.g$a!,"-b.-tc":..^.. Ooquet,Minn. ThompsojrYalfu,4". ..St.Paul,Minn. PotlatchlumberCo.... Potlatch, Idaho 'r'heNortbctn|-umberC-o. Cloquet,Minn. 9onnersF9rry-IaumbelCr....... BonneicFerry', Idaho BoisePayetteLumberCo... Boise; Idaho J3,hnson-wentwofth c.o. 9l"s""t' vi*. ggoqyaLnie Fdls Lumber co. . . . Snoquatnie Fat(,'\fash. V;t;.t;;r rir"t r wood(bnveisto'r(b.... cloquet,Mi-n Hffitj'iftf;f"'r*,';c_::::.a;f,Tinf::l!*: wei,erhaeuserTimberc-o..Bdtimore,Md.