5 minute read
Clean Up and Paint LIp
Dealers Can Profit from the Sale of Specialties
HE average citizen fails to realize the many things he has neglected to buy to promote the comfort, health and convenience of his family and himself until his attention and interest are aroused in some unusual manner. The Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign, in every community, reveals those needs and converts them into wants and public demand.
It does that by suggestion, comparison, illustration-in fact in every way known to convince the public that it is sound logic to respond-to give up something precious for something of great benefit to the individual, the family and the community.
Now for a moment let us see just what the campaign can be reasonably expected to create a demand for. You know there are hundreds of things it ought to sell and does sell directly or indirectly. In order to visualize the sales opportunity presented, let us list them according to the objectives of the campaign.
Clean Up Outside and Inside Yard and Grounds
Scrubbing Brushes Garden Implements
Scrubbing Pails Hose
Vacuurn Cleaners Garbage Cans
I)isinfectants Seeds
Hardware Bulbs
Building supplies Fertilizers
Roofing Insecticides
Ladders Larvn Sprinklers
Brooms Rakes
Mops Shovels
Clothes \Mashers
Wooden and Tinware
Lawn Mor,r'ers
Poultry Supplies Fencing
Furniture and Brass Polish Lawn Furniture
Soaps and Cleaners
Clothes Dryers
Window Glass
Ash Cans
Clothes Lines and Poles
Paint Up Outside and fnside (in addition to the standard out and inside articles like paint, varnish, stains, enamels, etc.)
Paint and Varnish
Floor Wax
Wallpaper Cleaner
Brush Cleaner
Remover Sandpaper
Paperhangers' Tools
Steel Wool
Roofing Cement
Blow Torches
There are many more to be sure. Dozens and perhaps several hundreds of them; but the list given should suffice to illustrate the tfemendous sales developing power of the Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign. It should awaken in you renewed interest in the campaign and point the way to make this a splendid profit month.
The Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign can not be expected in itself to increase business. It can only attract attention and sell the idea. From that point on, you as a merchant, should take up the cause and bring to the attention of your patrons the items they need to realize fheir desire to brighten up their homes.
Your newspapers and your windou's should carry your specialty messages. This publicity is.the link relied upon to create action. A "Special" or two may move items like lawn slvings and settees which you do not care to Carry over until the spring season. Every bit of human interest copy and cornpelling window effects tied up with the Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign are bound to bring large and small sales that will keep your cash register humming.
In the literature published by the Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau there are many helpful suggestions designed to promote specialty rvindow trims and in addition plenty of evidence that it's good judgrnent to use them generously if you would boost your specialty sales.
Just write the Bureau, 3713 Washington Ave., St. Louis, 1\{o., and you will receive full details promptly.
Help keep the Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign moving this month, for is not every day a Clean Up day?
Paintlessness advertis€s shiftlessne€g and wasle. It costs mono to rebutld than io keep yrn" buildings paint€d up.
Sobettornotlottrhemmt for t;he want of a littlepaint. Getburvnoy. Andoomotous for tho best (which-atso meane tho Dost economical) paiht on the muLeL &tfuates glady limiehed on requ€st
He Was Suspicious
The man in the restaurant, looked, then smelled suspiciously at the little yellow cube which the waiter had plaoed alongside his plate on a butter dish. Then he picked up his bread, and his knife, and said hopefully:' "I take thee for butter, or worse."
What Friendship [s
A philosopher has said that the man who knows all about you, but loves you in spite of it, is a real friend. But Sambo has a better idea. Mose said to him:
"Ah tell youall, a real friend is a man whut is jes de same to you aftah he dun got prosperity."
"No," said Sambo, "a true friend is de fellah dat is jes de same to you aftah de vise-a-versas has done got you."
Autos And Home Buyers
There were four million people in the United States who paid income taxes to the Government last year, and there were TEN million automobiles owned in the United States. We deduce from that the fact that there were probably several million auto ourners who did not make enough money to pay an income tax. Figure out how that affects the housing shortage.

The Difference
If you talk about yourself you're a bore. But if you buy space for the purpose you can bragg about yourself and your business to your heart's content, and they won't even call you an egotist; they just say you're "some advertiser."
(From Carl Crow's Pacific Coast Index)
With tear dimmed eyes we bore him to his grave.
He passed not as one who in rippened years approaches the grave with tranquil consolation, but as a soldier on the
I have little sympathy for the reformers who are concentrating their efforts uion restraining people from doing evil. My heart.goes out to.,those workers who are trying to make this world a happy, joyous, clean plactl All we need to do to overcome the so-called evil is to increase the amount of good.. It is love that conquers hate-not hatred of hate. We gain not$ng at all hatirig evil. The hater is a poisoner of himself. The lover of good is the magician who is working in harmony with divine law.
Why He Quit
"That's Bill Fly, the aviator. Ife's the guy that used to write letters in the sky with smoke."
"Doesn't he do it any more?"
"No, he got writer's cramp."
A promoter is a man who is trying to sell nothing for something to people who want to get somgthing for nothing.
A friend may smile and bid you hail
Yet wish you with the Devil.
Bdt when a good dog wags his tail field of battle with eyes uplifted to his guiding star, fearing nothing but defeat. Damned by those he sought to serve, he faltered not, but quenched llis thirsty soul from the shallow cup of charity that was his.
You know he's on the level.
With supreme courage he carried on, sustained by the conviction that he was right.
But, he is gone. No longer will the cunning of his brain bestow his blessing upon his fellow men. In remote lands the touch of his hand will remain as a silent tribute to his part in the world's progress. While tempests vainly pour their fury upon the bleak stretches of the open country, crooning babies will nestle in their cradles neath shelter to which his energy has contributed, and towering temples will reach their spires to the heavens, unknown monuments to his industrious vision.
Time is feeting and one day we too will be carried to our tomb, and lest the story be lost to future generations, let us chisel deeply into his headstone, this epitaph: HERE LIES A CASE OF MALNUTRITION