1 minute read
O. F. Folsom Enters Wholesale Game
O. F. ("Doc") Folsom, well known San Francisco lumberman, announces that he has entered the wholesale lumber business and has organized the O. F. Folsom Lumber Company rvith offices at 24 Calif.ornia Street, San Francisco.
"Doc" has spent practically all his life in the lumber business and received his first experience rvhen still a mere youth with the old Laton Lumber Co. at Markham,.where he took his turn at bucking logs and acting as the handy man around camp. Later he had an interest in a retail lumber yard and redwood mill in Sonoma County. For the past-five years, he has followed the rvholesale end of the business ahd has been associated with several San Francisco concerns;'
He has already arranged for some Northwest mill connections and at the present time is in the Northwest where he is completing arrangements with several mills to handle their output in-California. "Doc" is extremely.well li-Fed by the lumber fraternity, he takes an active part in the Bay Dist.ict Hoo-Hoo activities, and hi's many friends are wishing him all kinds of success in hi{ new undertaking.