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Meyer & Hodge, New Wholesale Firm in Los Angeles
Mr. L. M. Mcyer, formerly'known in the southetn part of the state as the Meyer Lumber Company, and Mr. J. L' (Jack) Hodge, u'ho has been associated with the Lumber Products Sales Company, a retail sash and door compani' in Los Angeles, have formed a partnership in the wholesble business, and will call their company Meyer & Hodge. i
Mr. Meyer is well known among the wholesale and ;re: tail men; he has been in Los Angeles for a number of yea.rso and for some time has had the account of the Clear Fir I-umber Company of Tacoma, the Flutchinson Lumbet Company, of Oroville, and the Sedro-Wooley Lumbel Company, of Sedro-Wooley. :,
The Clear Fir Company specializes in uppers, mostlf rail, and they have an output of about one hundred thottsr' and feet p.t d"y. Me-yer * 49dg. have the Southern Clli: fornia agency for their rail shipments. i j
The Hutchinson Lumber Compafly, a California rnill, cutting immense quantities of *hite and sugar pin5, llro; 'vide tfris company with a nice amount of their stocks, dnd the Sedro-Wooley Lumber Company. manufactures ifir panel and veneer -stocks. . ;
Mr. Hodge, prior to the consolidation of his interestf