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New White Pine MillBegins Operation
The Cummings Valley Mill & Lumber Company started their mill on December 15th. Mr. Fred P. Jayne, of Santa Ana, is the presideht and general manager of this nen' white pine operation, Mr. -fayne also being interested in various other business enterprises in Orange County.
The new mill is located nine miles from Techacapi, at the Southern California market, and besides having a ready market for their manufabtured stock, they hTte a large, long term contract with one of the Los Angeles crate companies for logs, for basket veneers. This enables them to ship about three carloads of twenty foot logs into Los Angeles, per week. an elevation of five thousand feet. NIr. Jayne states that his company- has present holdings of over iwenty million feet, most of the trees being a fine quality of white pine, and with the small percentlge of fir-. T[ey also have a considerable_quantity of oak, that they are not attempting to cut, at this time. ilhey hold about twelve hundred acres.
The mill was started on December 15, at full capacity, and giving employment to about forty men. ttrey have erected suitable living quarters for their mill superintendent and other employees.
_ T!. output of this mill is sold exclusively in Southern Califo_rnia by the Germain Lumber Company, of which Mr. Leo Germain is the active head.
The Germain Lumber Companv, besides this account has the agency for a number of other mills, both hardwood and rvestern stocks.
They represent in Southern California, The H. P. Dutton Lumber Company, Portland; Central Box & Lumber Company, Alameda; Burton Box Company, Mobile, Alabama; Bellgrade Lumber Company, Memphis; The Cour De Alene Box Company, and others.
I\{r, 9. J. F. Meilstrup, formerly representing the National L.umber Company, in Los Angeles, is now in the sales departiuent of the Germaih Lumber Company.
The mill is a double circular rig, capable of cutting about twe!ty thousand feet per day. They have a large-drying yard, in a peculiarly situated location. This mill is'iusT about twenty miles from the edge of the Mojave Desert, and by piling their stock in thi location seiected. thev are able to.ship their boards and other material, thoroughly air dried, in from forty to sixty days.
The g_rowth on their holdings is very thick according to Mr.. I1ynr,. the trees running to about the average o"f growth for this stock.
The entire cut of this new mill is being shipped into