1 minute read
H@t t'cs, in mmercial dry hilnNo sftrinling, wrPing or cheoling in Lqminer d@rs reill ed Ircm 21 houns in heat of tSto Fahr. with humidity oJ to Per cena.
Vater ,cst-21 lanrs' wking shoued @mbleae cbacrce of wqr bing in Lamincx doors. AII paits of thc dur rcmqin d rizid and stront. TcEts mad.e by thi Forcst Prducts labrotoriZs, Uniur sity ol Vuhington.
Sarcntah tcs,-Iamirux bancls in s z@,a;o fuund' Okcn l6aing,ma- chinc, saofd an owrogc aed ol gtt bourds wilhMt ruPaur ang,.
Every Laminex door is plainly branded on the end. In addition, we amx a gold label replacement guarantee'. "This Laminer door built by our exclusiae process, is guaranteed. In case of failure not due to neglect or misuse, ue ue uill replace it uithout charge."