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MANUFACTURER A N N O'u N C E g^- Laminex a tested door that will not slwink,
swell or warp!
n STANDARD, trade-marked door definiteb guaranteed against failure, is now on the fL market. It's the result of 3 5 years' research and experience by the largest manufacturer of doors in the world. Each.year we build enough doors to supply the homes of a million people.
Laminex is conceded by technical experts, architects and contractors to be the list word in built-up door construction. By man-made process, we ouercome the common faul* in doors. These are due to the tracheids or cells of wood as it grows in the tree. When cut into lumber, these trachei.ds remain constant in length but, expand and contract in width with changes of moisture content. We build up the parts of Laminex doors using a special Laminex water-proof cement and squeezing the whole together by trbnundous hydraulic pressure into one solid piece. Thus the grain of the adjoining sections is so "crossed" that it equalizes the expansion and contraction.
What scientific tests proled
Scientific tests of Laminex doors were rnade in the Forest Products Laboratories, University of Washington, School of Forestry. Doors taken at random as they came from our factory, were soaked in water for 24 hours; subjected to a heat of l8lo Fahr. for ?4 hours. Not a l-arninex door umrped! There was almost a total absence of shrinking or swelling.
Thousands of Laminex doors have been tested in actual use, under all climatic conditions. In a great warehouse fire at Nashville on October 13, 1923, Laminex withstood six hours of water and blistering heat. "Not c single Laminex door showed sigru of giaing way, blistering or buckling wlwre many doors of other types, failed."
Made with vertical stiles and rails
As a further step, we perfected machinery for building Laminex Douglas fir doors with vertical grain stiles and rails as well as all-flat grain. To our knowledge, it is the first oertic'al grain, built-UP door in any soft wood.
Trade.marked, guaranteed, nationally advertised
Every Laminex door is branded on the top or bottom rail. Our gold label replacement guarantec is affixed io the side.
We are launching what will be the most dominant national advertising campaisn in the historv of the doorindustry, -starting with_a double page in the Saturday EaeningPost, Amirican Archit2ct(t Architectural Reaiew, American Builder, Archi[eclural Record, Building Age-and B"ifiiii i^.i;f N"tional Builder, etc.
Ask your.jobberabout Laminex doors. In order,to "tie-up" with our great campaign rrg e,i1 supply you with metal signs, hangers, booklets, local ads, etc.
The Wheeler, Osgood Company
Tacoma, Washingon,"The Lumber Capital of Ancrica-"
San Frqncisco, Spokane lE Doors und, FirSoslr