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A Live Junior Hoo-Hoo
One of the livest and most active members of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo is Milton Hendrickson, who holds the distinction of being the Junior Hoo-Hoo of the Bay District Nine. "Milt," as -his friends alt call him, is also a charter member of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9.
"Milt" is one of the East Bay representatives on the Pay District Nine, and at the last Bay District Concat which was held in Oakland he rvas very active in helping to make the event such a wonderful success, rvhen he was Chairman of the program and entertainment committee and acted as master of ceremonies.
He has been connected with the lumber business for many years in the San Francisco District, and is associated wittr, tire Waterfront Sash & Door Company of Oakland.
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club met at theirregtrlar Thursday sessioh, on January 3lst, with fifty members and guests in attendance.