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You Fellows Are Up Against It!
You know that Datur. playr no favoriter, and you arc up againrt wcathcr every day. \f,/e ere manufac' turing thc HIGHEST GRADE line of Outdoor Clothcr made in thir country. You probably know of them. Wc want you to WEAR them. Tbey rupply MAIKIMUM pro' tcction and confort.
The Snark, after calling for reports from various of the committees, turned the meeting over to the day's ehairman' Mr. Guy Dartnell, Los Angeles manager for the North: western Mutual Fire Association.
Mr. Dartnell introduced Mr. J. L. Martin, president of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, and the boys were well pleased with the talk that Mr. Martin gave them, on insurince in general, and on the Mutual plan. He said in his talk, that it was important for the insurance companies of this country to properly educate their clients in the buying and proper handling of insurance, and that fully three fourths of the fires that occured each year, were the result of carelessness. Last year nearly a half billions dollars worth of property was lost by fire.
The meeting adjourned after the reading of a letter from Mr. A. L. Porter, about the February Convention.
Last Call for the BIG CONCAT
One hundred Kittens for one evening. This is the present indication of the number that will be put through the mystic gardens, at the Los Angeles Concatenation, oh Tuesday, February 19th, during the Western Retail Lumbermens' Convention. If you are not a Hoo-Hoo, this would be a good time to join. If you have been a member, take this opportunity to Reinstate. If you are an active member, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT.
tircmcnt rcduccd in rize.
T*o hundred representative newspapers, with an estimated reader circulation of 59 million, carried the above advertisement February 5. This advertisement is one.of a series in our national campaign of lumber education.
Order one inch larger than white collar rnearure. Our catalog H or FTLSON BETTER OUTDOOR CLOTHES ry: