2 minute read
Some New 'Hoo Hoo Songs
The Bells Of Hell
The Bells of Hell go ting-a-ling-ling But not for old Hoo-Hoo, For us the angels sing-a-ling-ling, Tttey_lt do the samg for you. -
Oh, Death, where i9 thy sting-a-ling-ling?
Oh, Grave, why art thou blue ? -
When the Bells_ of {ell go ting-a-ling-ling, But not for Old Hoo-Hoo. >f {. rf
(Tune "Yoo-Hoo")
You'll hear them calling Hoo-Hoo, In this L. A. town todav.
You'll hear them calling Hoo-Hoo, And you'll know it's come to stay, When you hear us shouting-"One-twoThree-four-fi ve-six-seven-ei[ht-nine.,'
Then you will know that Hoo-Hoo, Is feeling fine' ,. *. *
There's,a long, long trail a-winding, Through old Hoo-Eioo Land. But we're on that trail together, And we're feeling grand,For the lumber biz is booming, And we're glad that this is true, And we hope that we'll be going Down that lum-beTt"it rlt-h fou.
Oh, the Hoo-Hoo Boys they've-Come back again, ;_Coqe back again-Come back again, The Hoo-Hoo boyslhey've-Come bacf again, And they are here to stay.
Say Boys ! Let's all give-three cheers again, -three cheers again-three cheers again, Say, boys ! Let's all give-three cheers igain, We'll give three cheers today.
You're going now, but-Come back again, -Come back again-Come back again, You'r€ going now, but-Come back again, For the Hoo-Hoo parties gay.
B. '\ry'. Byrne Chairman at Los Angelei Hoo-Hoo Lunch
Mr. B. W. (Bobbie) Byrnd, secretary of the 'Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was the chairgrln at the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon, on Thursday, February 7th.
Bobbie handled his meeting like a veteran, without a dull moment, and he was also responsible for the swelling of the Charity Fund, to quite an extent, by his assessing fines on the fellows who could not produce their }Ioo-Holo button, and also on some of the boys who could not call one of the members by name.
He introduced as the speaker, Dr. Geo. H. Rice, of the i'Better America Federation." Dr. Rice, is a speaker of note, and is known as one of the country's leaders in the movement. He made a wonderful address on Patriotism and the Constitution, and was very well received by the nembers.
The Snark appointed his committees, to act at the big Concatenation on Februaty 19th. There will be a Recep- tion, Entertainment, Initiation and Decoration Committet, all composed of a large number of men, assuring something unique for the entertainment of the visitors.
Mr. A. B. Wastell, Snark of the Bay District, who is visiting in Los Angeles for a couple weeks, was introduced. He thanked the boys for the hospitality, and extended an invitation to all of them to visit Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, at
San Francisco.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9
The Speaker at the Luncheon Meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No.9 on Thursday, February l4th,l924was Dr. NG POON. CHEW, Editor of Chung Sai Yat Po, a Chinese Newspaper of San Francisco which name in English means American Daily. Dr: Chew is a graduate of Pittsburgh University, which institution gave him the Dpctor's degree. He is a witty and most interesting speaker. His address was about CHINA and those facts and conditions regarding that vast and old country which should be of particular interest to Americans. As lumbermen we are -cognizant of the trade relationship between the two countriei and the need of more stable political conditions in China that will enable us to increase our already large shipments to that country.
The Luncheon was of great interest and a large attendance of members and guests were present.
-It is.an omen of good luck,that all Hoo-Hoo appreciate when it is hoted that Dr. Chew's telephone number is CHINA 99!
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