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Dimmick Lumber Co. to represent Globe Export Lumber Co. in Northern California
The Globe Export Lumber Company of Seattle announce that the Dimmick Lumber Co. of San Francisco have been appointed as their representatives in Northern California. The Globe Export Lumber Company are the exclusive export agents of the Balcom-Canal Lumber Co., Bissell Lumber Co., H. B. Waite Mill & Timber Co., ahd the Day Lumber Co. These representative Northwest mills are owned and operated by well known lumbermen, who are large shippers into the California market and who specialize in the manufacture of Old Growth Yellow Fir and Comrnons.
The f)immick Lumber Company are also the representatives in Northern California for the Western White Cedar Company of Marshfield, Oregon, the well known Coos Bay manufacturers of Port Orford White Cedar.
Thev also have rail mill connections in the Willamette Valley and Portland Districts with several of the larger rnills who are large railshippers into California.
The Dimmick Lumber Company is operated by A. A. Dimmick and V. A. Dimmick, prominent San Francisco lumberman and who are lvell knorvn to the lumber trade of California.
Commission Lumber Salesmen To Meet
The annual meeting of the National Association of Commission Lumber Salesmen rvill be held February 14 and 15,' at Chicago.