2 minute read
You Can't Beat Celotex!
Celotex lumber has the insulating value of cork. A house with walla and roof built of Celetox can be kept warm and cozy in winter with practically no artificial heat. And in summer, a Celotex house is cool. You can't beat it.
Celotex is a rugged building lumber made from the long, tough fibres of cane. Nailc direct to studs and rafters just like ordinary lumber. Is not easily damaged by weather or by ordinary rough handling. As a sound deadener, Celotex is ideal, and it makes a perfect plaster and stucco base.
As an interior finish it eliminates lath and plaster and adds an artistic charm to the home.TherearemanyinterestingwaysofdecoratingCelotex.
(Continued from Page 85) up a successful business by extending credits haphazardly'
There must be definite terms for every sale muoe. Otherwise, a flood of dissati,sfaction will descend upon llre hgad of the management.
A manager must know exactly what to do 'in every case or he will flounder around and nothing will losc a sale so quickly as indecisiveness. Let a salesman hesitate slightly on any point-the buyer will be quick to detect it.
As,soon as buyers find out that the dealer knows exactly what his terms of sale are, there is little inclinatlon to try to get him tO change them. But let him ind'i'cate tby hts conversation that he has no definite policy and the battle
Production of Red Cedar Shin$les In Pacific
Washington-Oregon-British Columbia (U. S. Forest Service Figures) is on immediately.
A fixed credit policy draws trade ,instead of drlving it away. There used to exist a silly notion that if a concern had such a policy,its""c"$s1gpf;{forvguld ber{eil' and far be' treeil. '- ''
The opposite is true.
So many have been fooled by indefinite promises. so fre' quent have been the disappointments, so unlversal the dissatisfaction, that trade flocks to the concern that adopts a fixed credit policy.
A good stiff credit prolicy has put this organizatlon wherc it now enjoys the boosts of thousands of satisfied customers. A loose credit policy would have put it on the bum. -Uppercuts.
New Forests For Old
(estinrated to equal 1922)
Foxtail Pine Tree Found In New Mexico
The foxtail pine tree knorvn here and there throughelt the west has now been reported as occurring in the Rio Puerco watershed. about 80 miles south of Taos, Nerv Mexico. This extends the range of this tree farther westrvard in northern Nerv Mexico than it has ever before been recorded. annou.nces the Forest Service' United States Department of Agriculture.
Significant evidence of the value of scientific reforestation and of protecting from fird second-growth stands o-f timber, as shown by comparing the yield of new growth with actual cuttings of virgin forests in the vicinity, is announced by the Forest Service, United States Departm-ent of Agriculiure. In the Shasta National Forest in California a representative plot consisting of forest land cut over 35 yeart ago and since untouqhgd- by fire shows present yieids of 4]100, 9,800, and l7,m board feet an acre for [r"". t.tp."tively 25, 30 and 35 years old. The latter figures, as ii happens, are almost identical with those for timber now being-cut on fire-thinned virgin forest in the neighborhood, whJre a lumber company is engaged in -logging ooerations. As reported in yield studies just completed by S. g. Stto*, silviculturist of the Forest Service, the second orowth in question is understocked, rather than overstocked i"a, *nit" it *itt never run up to the 75'000.bo"I{ feet,.an airi figure that older, fully stocked stands in this region .it"itt,-ttt" fact that already in 35 years it has- equaled in ftoau"ti".ttess virgin stands considered profitable for logsine welt illustratei the capacity of u'estern yellow pine for iapid and profitable growth.
W. E. (Bill) Barwick, form-erly-manager.of. the San Francisco tffice of the Hilgard Lumher-Co' of Chicago' is "o* .o""".ted with E. A.-'Blocklinger & Company of S1n F."""it.o, the rvell known pine manufacturers' He is the i".retary'of the concern ancl also has charge of their sales. tft.y "p'"t"te the Chiloquim Lumher Co' plant at Klamath Falls, Oregon.