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If Laminex withstands these tests
Won't it withstdnd every abuse a door cd.u meet?
A "Doubting Thomas" heard of the success of our famous Laminex wa[er test-but he was from Missouri! So he took a stock Laminex door and exposed it to water from a hose and to the heat of the sun /or twenty days. The Laminex door came out without shrinking, swelling or warping. No- open joints resulted. The waterproof cement held. The surface did not peel or crack.
In the sreat Cumberland flood, March 29, 1924, Lamine:idoors in a warehousJ were under water for several days. Doors of other makes were corrugated. Laminex doors came out unaffected
In a sreat southern warehouse fire, heat and water wrecked their 'u".rgeunE" on doors of many makes. Laminex alone came out in perfect coniiition-ready to be hung.
These tests have substantiated the fndings of the Uliversity- of Washinqton in the famous Laminex water test. They have doubly oroved "there is a door that will not shrink, swell or warp-that will never cause you trouble.
Isn't this the door you want to sell ? The beauty of old growth Douglas fir is combined in Laminex with a resistance to expansion and contraction, due to our building up of layers and compressing under great pressure with a wonderful waterproof cement.
L-aminex doors are nationallv advertised-and we offer complete merchandisins hook-up plans for dealers to get their share of the remarkable demandTor Laminex. Most door jobbers handle Laminex.