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,hfiore roofng profits wirlt tltis prove d plan
OU get the full benefit of our big national advertising campaign under the Richardson Resale Plan.
Richardson advertising appears regularly in The Saturday Evening Post and other leading national magazines read in your community.
The Resale Plan makes this powerful advertising sell for you.
Lumber dealers everywhere have proved that it works. Read what one Richardson distributor says:
"l believe that on the asphali shingle proposition you have all of the other manufacturers lashed to the mast. The only thing necessary to get dealers to handle your product is to get them thoroughly acquainted with it. "
Take advantage of this plan. Just drop us a line on your letter-head and we'll give you all the facts.
The Richardson Company
Dept. 45-B, LOCKLAND (Cincirrnati) OHIO
Chicago - New York City (1008 Fisk Bldg.) Atlanta - New Orleans - Dallas 63 Albany St., Cambridgc (Bostor.r), Mass.