1 minute read
In The Lumber Industry
In the lumber industry, as in all other lines of enendeavor, Goodyear Truck Tires are doing their part in furthering the work of this great enterprise. Whether engaged in hauling heavy logs in the camps or transporting loads of lumber from mill to consumer, they are proving their superiority over other tires in this kind of heavy-duty service.
If you are not familiar with Goodyear Truck Tiree -Solid, Cushion or Pneumatic-a telephone call will bring you the full story.
American walnut with its natural ruddy brown and black, the wavy figure, stripe or mottle set upon a gilver gray background describes Louisville Blue Limestone 'Walnul-*1s veneers that require neither stain or bleach for the French Grey Finish.
This particular kind of walnut and other speciee of hardwoods may be obtained either in the veneers, or in plywood. Manufactured