1 minute read
Lumber Yards Versus Five and Ten Cent Stores
The manager of a five and ten cent store takes $2,000.00 worth of merchandise and displays it so that it will look like $20,000.00 and so that it will practically selt itself. A lumber dealer will take $30.000.00 worth of lumber and dump it into a tumbled-down bull pen so that iJ looks like 30c. The lumber dealer has the easiest stock to handlefewer items and less work to display them. It can be displayed more attractively than five and ten cent merchandise. It requires less work to make it appear attractive, but when weighed in the balance, it is usually found wanting.
Until a lumber dealer becomes a merchandiser who understands the value of display-until he realizes tha't he could get most out of his business in his torvn without competition by exercising a little ingenuity in making his yard a place of beauty instead of a scrap 'heap-until he realizes that he must do with his stock what other success-
(Continued on Page 60.)
Suppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonigfut-
Would you be able to view the twigted, amoldering ruing consoled in your misfortune by the sure knowledge that you are adequately insured, with every condition on the policy fulfilled, so that there will Ue no question of the amount you will recover?
The time to think about this question is not after, but before the fire.
Raymond, Wash.
Oolumbla Bor & Irumbcr Oo- South Bend,, Wash.
Eulbert MIU Co., Aberaleen, 'WaBh.
Lewl. Mtlls &'Itmber Oe., South Bencl, Wash.