2 minute read
Re traction
A mistake has been made in carrying large stocks of sanded fir finish. We have retracted from this policy. Before the days of machine sanding, finish was handsmoothed on the job, the painter closely following the carpenter, to insure clean work and to prevent raised grain and other damage caused by atmospheric conditions.
Modern sanders, properly adjusted and operated, with the best garnet paper, scientifically graduated as to fineness, from the first to the last drum, will do better than could possibly be done by hand. The retaining of the one advantage of the old method, however, is accomplished only by sanding immediately before delivery.
This applies to hard wood as well.
Except for current delivery requirements, our large stock of Figured Gum, Quartered Oak, Philippine Mahogany, Birch, Maple, Walnut etc., both in lumber and veneers, is carried in the raw state. Thus our material is scientifically kiln dried and seasoned in the climate where it is to be used, before being "made to your measure" into Doors, Panels and finish. The stock will stay straight and the glue joints will hold.
Your customer deserves good clean mill work, "preshrunk" and "tailor-made". Try it.

New Veneer Plant For Grays Harbor
Work will be started immediately on the erection of a new plant for the manufacture of fir veneer at Grays Harbor. The plant will be known as the Harbor Ptfwood Company. Cost will be in the neighborhood of $325 00O' annual payroll will be $250,000 and 150 people will be employed at the start.
- A. R. Wuest, manager of the Sedro Box & Veneer Com- pany, is president and general manager of the new com- ^p""i'. T'he plant of thJ Sedro Box Jnd Veneer Company will not be rebuilt.
The capacity of the new plant will be 55,000 feet of fir veneer in eight hours. Among the company's representatives will be the F. S. Buckley Door Company of San Francisco.

J. C. (Jack) Ferger, Swastika Lumber Company, Fresno. is -reporied to be convalescing nicely from an attack of bronihitis and is norv back at his desk again. He was on the sick list for several days.
Ray Gray On Sick List
Ray Gray, President of the Taft Lumber Co., Taft, is on the sick list and has been reported quite seriously ill lvith pneumonia. He has been ill since January 19. His numberless friends in the lumber industry throughout the State are hoping that he rn'ill convalesce quickly and will soon be back at his desk again.
F. A. Camp replaces M. A. Gilmer as manager of the Tujunga yard of the Independent Lumber Company.
H. G. Rumsey, Los Angeles, manager of the Commercial Associates Co.,- was among the dealers who attended the Furniture Dealers' Convention at San Francisco during the week of February 2. Mr. Rumsey is well known to the lumber trade in Southern California and during his stay in San Francisco he was entertained by his old friend, A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Co.
R. O. Deacon, Deacon Lumber Co., Fresno' was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent several days attending to business matters and calling on the lumber trade. He states that thev would like to see a little more rainfall in the F-resho Disirict, also that conditions in the San Joaquin Valley look favorable for a good year.
W. P. Frambes, Fletcher & Frambes, Inc., Los Angeles, was a recent visitor at the San Francisco office of the California and Oregon Lumber Co., where he spent a few days on business matters. He then accompanied W. R. Ribenack and Denver Taylor on a trip to the Northwest, where they visited the California & Oregon Lumber Co' operations at Brookings, Oregon, and the Stout Lumber Company of Oregon plant at North Bend, Oregon. While in the Northwest they will also stop at Portland for a few days. Fletcher & Frambes, Inc., are the exclusive rePresentatives for the California & Oregon Lumber Co. and Stout Lumber Company of Oregon in the Southern California territory.