2 minute read
C. Il/L Clark, Reprcrcntative Lot Angdcl
Chicago Lumber Co. of Wash. San Francirco
(Continued from Page 52) ful merchandisers do with theirs-lumber vards will not " ff .',.:t :n :1: to' ;"*f, * " r., s re e n s r a s s, r',, r, i t ", t o, " s, g ra v e l driveways, square piles, signs, straight fences and clean bins, in a lumber yard. The office should be the best looking office in town. None of these very necessary essentials require very much money. Most of them simply require ambition and a little elborv grease.
There is a wonderful opportunity for the dealers who will take the trouble to beautify. We can see it coming. And while rve will adrnit that we have been preaching on the same subject now for a long time, we know that the time is coming when lumber yards are going to be just as attractive as oil stations are in many cities.
W. S. Russell, Buchanan Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a business trip to the mills in Oregon and Washington. "Bill" states that the lumber operators are looking forward for a large demand for fir lumber during the year, and that prcsent inclications are that shipments of fir lumber to the ,{tlantic Coast u'il[ be heavv during the spring and summer months.
O. M. Clark, prominent Northrvest luntl;er operator, was a recent r.isitor at the San Francisco oftices oi Ct-r".. R. McCormick & Co., where he called on Cl-ras. R. NfcCormick. Mr. Clark is a member of the Clark-Wilson I-urrber Company, whose mill operations are located at Linntorr, Oregon.
" Competition - prcof " Castomerc
Make them stick to you by proving to them that you give them the maximum value for their money. For instance, suggest to them that (Trademarhed) Lamao
(Light Reil Philippine Mahogany) yields the richest mahogany grain appearance; that its light, firm texture simplifies iolor and finish problems; that its price 'butlowers" any- thing else in its class.
Let us prooe it for your benefit, muy pronto.
C adwallader - Gibs on Co., f nc.
The ONLY Inqortos vith our own Timber Supply anil Mills in Luzon, anil with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUAR?'ERS o, Sth and Brannan Sts. San Francisco
Oohland - Los Angeles
R. F. Hammatt Talks Before Mercator Club
R. F. llammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redrvood Association, was the speaker of the day at the wiekly luncheon of the Mercator Club held at the Palace Hotel on February 10. Mr. Hammatt gave an intiresting talk on the habitat, physical characteristics, uses and markets of the California Redwoods. In speaking of the Reforestation work carried on by the Redwood operators, he stated that during the present winter 10 seedlings will be planted to replace every tree cut during the past year. Two reels of films showing the logging, mill and lumbering operations of the Pacific Lumber Co. were also exhibited to the club members.
Thomas I. Parks Visits Pacific Coast
Thomas I. (Tom) Parks, New York City lumberman, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days calling on his many lumbermen friends in the Bay District. He is norv in the Northwest where he is calling on the mills which he represents in the New York territory. Speaking of the lumber conditions in the New york market, he states that they have had a severe winter which has held up building operations but that the lumbermen are very optimistic and are looking forward for a large lumber demand during the spring and summer months.- Prior to his entering the wholesale lumber business, he was associated r,vith Chas. R. McCormick & Co., both at their San Francisco and New York offices.