2 minute read
"Pine Homes"
The California White and Sugar pine Manufacturers Association have just issued a new attractive booklet designated "PINE HOMES," describing the characteris_ tics and proper uses of California White and Sugar pine. "Pine Homes" describes in detail the proper uses of California White and Sugar Pine and follows the order of house construction from foundation to roof. The inside of the house is then dealt rvith and every detail is properly and fully described. The booklet is attractively arranged and beautifully illustrated. Among the illustrations is ah old print of the ruins of Sutter's saw-mill at Columa, an old miner's cabin built of pine shakes which is reminiscent of the "days of '49," together with many pictures showing both exterior and interior views of homes constructed of California White and Sugar Pine. The book also contains the sizes and grades of California pine Lumber as manufactured at the mills under the .standard rules of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, which are in close conformity to the American Lumber Standards.
Every retail lumber office should have a copy of .,PINE HOMES" in their display room. Copies of this attractive book can be obtained by writing to the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, 600 Call Building, San Francisco.
Axel Oxholm Talks To San Francisco Lumbermen
During the past week, Axel Oxholm, Washington, D. Ci, Chief of the Lumber Department of the United States Department of Commerce, who has recently returned from an extended tour through Europe, addressed the members of the California Redwood Association ahd California White and Sugar Pine Association on Februarv 9. During his stay in the Bay District, he also addressed the mem1"._. 9f the Douglas Fir Export & Exploitation Co. Mr. Oxholm spgk9.9n the opportunities for- Douglas Fir, Redrvood, and California White and Sugar pinesln the foreign markets, and he also discussed the Department of Coirmerce plans for markets and uses of ihese woods both abroad and in the United States.
"The elimination of waste is a total asset. It hqs no liabilities.
"The only case -tahere tutlim,ited diaersificati,on see?ns justified is padlock keys.
"Nert to stati,st'ics as a pozver to eliminute waste conne standards.
"A ltrime source of waste in American business is wnnecessary multiplication of terms, sizes and. aqrieties.
"Another prime source of 'aaste is the lack of standards of quality and. grades."
E\ULLY in sympathy with Mr. Hoover's opinions, I Roof Company has ceased manufacture of all lines and weights of roofing.

Henceforth it is crThe Weaver 8." You see them pictured below, ranged in the order of their relative price importance.
A husky, hardy squad indeed, born and bred to fight the hot sun and driving lsin-[acked by " 27 years' reputation for satisfactory service.
They will make money for you.
Sylvester L. Weaver z44o East 8th Street covers €nr.ery need
Telephone BRdwy. o784 Los Angeles, Calif.