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Durable Redwood Costs Less for side walls than stucco

Member Mills:

Albion Lumber ComPanY

Caspar Lumber ComPanY

Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co-

Glen Blair Redwood Co.

Hammond Lumber ComPanY

J. R. Hanify ComPanY

Hobbs' Wall & ComPanY

Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.

Little Rlver Redwood Co.

Mendoclno Lumber Co.

Northwestern Redwood Co.

Redwood Manufacturers Co.

The Paclfic Lumber Co.

Unlon Lumber ComPanY

The side walls for the five room house, pictuied above, if built of the best grade %*4" bevelled Redwood, will cost $55'00 less than if inexpensive stucco is used.

The same walls built of 1x6" two-lap Redwood siding will cost $107.00 less than if more exPensive stucco construction is employed.

These figures were comPiled by Quantity Surveyor C. L. Weeks, Los Angeles. Based on costs in Los Angeles as of Oc- tober, 1924, they include labor, materials and three coats of paint.

And side walls of Redwood neither crack, chiP nor flake.

So with Redwood side walls your customer saves in cost and gets the full advantages of Redwood's remarkable durabilitY and its strength. In addition, Redwood works easilY and with a minimum of waste'

Sell California Redwood. It makes satisfied customers.

January Building Permits

Concat at Seattle

There will be a concatentation on the evening of Feb_ ruary 18 in connection with the Western Retail Lumbermen's convention at Seattle. Viveg.erent Snark Roland C. Williams has announced that the number of kittens will be limited to fifty, of which fifteen will be from point,s outside of Seattle.

Bill Donovan A Bay District Visitor

Bill Do'novan, of the Donovan Lumber Co., Aberdeen. has arrived in California where he will spend a few weeks attending to business matters. Speaking of lumber con_ ditions in the Grays Harbor District, he states that lumber market conditions there are satisfactory. While in San Francisco, he is making his headquarters at the offices of the Donovan Lumber Co., where he is conferring with their California representative, Frank O'Connor, on com_ pany business matters. Before returning to the Northwest, Mr. Donovan will accompany Mr. O'Connor to Los Angeles where they will spend a few days looking over lumber market conditions in the Southern part of the state.

Mills Purchase Miller Carriers

Mickle Mills, North Portland, recently purchased two Miller lumber carriers, and the Wm. F. Johnson Mill Co., Winlock, Wash., have bought a Miller gas lumber carrier.


fT is in homes like these that owners and visitors

I exclaim: "W'hat beautilul floors!"

The superlative quality of Superior Brand Oak Flooring is actually manuJactured into the flooring, to methods peculiar to our own factory.

These are responsible for the word-of-mouth advertising which "AMERICCS FnIEST" receives in every community-advertising that creates ever-increasing sales vol rme for dealers.

Out free booft explains in a uag gou'll understand. Writefor it and quotd.ions, TODAYI

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