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R. D. Baker Re-elected President of California White and sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
At the Ninth Annual Meeting of the California White and S.ugar Pine Manufacturers"Association, held at San Francisco on January 29 and 30, the following "m."r, ""d )randlng Lommlttees were elected for the ensuing year:
^ R;,,D._-B"ker,.I_assen Lumber & Box Co., p.&lie"t;
*. :W._ft_eaverrich. Madera Sugar pine Co., Vice_presi_ !9nt;.E.^H, .CoI, Madera Sugai pihe Co., Treasurer; C. Storveil Smrth, Secretary-Manager; Austin L. Black, Ad_ vertising Manager; Edward pi Ivory, Trade Extension Nranager.
Executive Committee: Willis J. Walker, F. B. Hutchens, J. l\{. Wttite, D. H. Steinmetz,'and H. D. Mortenso". ' Traffic Committee : Dwigh_t_M._ Swobe, Ct "lrma"lJ.-W. Ro_dge_rs, D. C. Birch, and J. M. White.
^-Legislation and Fore_stry- Committee: Dwight M. Swobe, lhairman;. Willis_J. Walker, F. J. Solinsfy, J;.,-C.--D: \_,ltver, and 5w1tt lJerry.
National Lumber Manufacturers Association: R. D. Baker and R. E. Danaher.
Gra9jng_ Rules Committee: D. H. Steinmetz, Chair_ ga.n; W. P. Johnlon,_Walter Sexton, B. W. Adami, W.-C. I{,ahman, and A. T. McKenzie.
^ {dve1j;ir1q Committee: H. D. Mortenson, Chairmah; Arthur W. Heavenrich, J. W. Rodgers, and D. H. Steinmetz,
^ Tb. follorving committee was appointed to represent the California Whiie and Sugar pine Manufactureis;;;;.i"* lion gt the meeting _of the Central Committee on Lumbe, Standardization to be_-held at Chicago on February 24; John D. Sp^aulding, Walter L Robin-son, and Geore. A. Houston. C. Stor.vell Smith, Secretary-M"r,.g.r, .n3-na_ rvird P. Ivory, Trade Extension Manager, will also attend the meeting.
The Board of Directors elected by the Stockholders for the ensuing year are:
D. _H,_Ste-inmetz, Standa-rd_Lgmbgr Co., Standard, Caldf. J._T,,-Reeder, Catif. peach &_ Fig GrowCi., fr"r"O] C-"fii'
W. R.Thorsen, West.Side Luriber Co., San-fr-aiidfrCanf. Ja-m_es D anahar, Jr., M ichi gan- C atif ornia' Lbi. C"., -C"rii:i"] Giif
W._5.$q"y"e, Swayne Lumber Company, Or-*itti, C"rriil ---'
B. W. Adams, F-ruii_CTowers Suppli-C""' S"" fianci"6.' CaUt. geg_rgws, .t'eather River Lumber Co., San F.rarrcrisco, Calif. _E..I\l[. Prescott, presc-ott.BricF & LUr. bo" nri.riq-Ciiff]*' f,. !V.^t a$n, fVlcCloud River L_urlbi, b"., tvt"Cr""a, E;iif.-*'
Wilt_if J. Walker, Red Biver r,,*,r*-b".,''S;-F;4"il;, C"rif.
+. J,_ u_rant, Algotna Lumber Cb., 4lgoma, Oregon.
S. _H._Land, Hurchinsorr Lumber C"], Oib"iUi;-C;ff.
F. B= Hutchens, Fruit Growers_ Suppif C-q., Los'Angeies, Calif.
F.F..9*"1o.-q g. J. Slanlon r,ur.'C6., Mlssack, cirir.--'
J.-p._tlemphill Sugar lg" f._1" Qo., San Franciicq Cafif.
W. H._Trainer, Klamath Lumbei A do" Co" S"" f"i"iiilj, C"r.
J* Ild. White, Weed Lumber Co., Wiia, -Caut.
R. I.-Ruzard, Siskiyou Lrmrber Co., llfit Hebro4 Calif,
Ire4 Slhallock, Ewiuna Bo^x Compahy,-ktamatfr ir"U", -br"go*.
$. p. _B_aker, Lassen-Lbr. 3 Bg*'d.;'S; F;"ir"",-'Ciif:'-'--
H. L Mortenson, petican Bay L_umbii C"., rr"rri"tiibirji'Or".
!v._p. _Lamm, Limm Lumlir c-".;-M-"d;'poi;tor;il
F. _E 9_"", Madera.$ugar pine-Cd.,-U"aJra, Cafit------- p. Q. _OJiver, ryoUart q"ul" C"" riot-ari iufiUs, eJi.--' --." w. r. vrrgrn. ulover valley Luraber Co., San Fnancisco,-Calif. ri. g. rterres, CloveS_V-alley_Lbr. Co., Loyaltoit Calif. ileia"?r"*a3,:f, ,."#';ntf#T"#T::a.S*
4. _W. Heavenrich, M"ii-"rt Su4, fine Co"-iVf"a#", C.Uf.
I; Jlfq}lf.ky, Jr,. Castle ctig"L"rnti, c..i c.stjrrE c"ur. ,i,{,f.e?i""ii;*,ff1t"?'i'",S;;,?1,y3*Bf;**","*.
J. R. Shaw, Shaw-Bertrarn l,Ur. Co, lliifffi F;fu", -O;;;;"" Jas" Tyson, Yosemite LumUei Co.--$*-F".i"ir"o, Calif.
Beautiful birch DOORS
America's most versatile hardwood, and one of the hard- est of the hardwoods. Birch doors """ b.- ""LJ ;tlr practically _any kind of trim, as it lends it".lf p"tf."ii" to the pr_oduction of. gny effect, particularly "alpt"Jil gra_y and brown acid staining, red o" b-*r, G;;; mahogany, walnut stain or na-tural finislr. 'we manufacture veneered doors in all the hardwoods, such as gumr oak, mahogany and *.lr.rt,-lr; ;td; variety -of styles adapted to homes, apartment", ""hoJ" hotels, hospitals, and office buildings.
Let us figure on your requiremenls
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