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S. E. Slade Lumber Co. Branches Out
Jack Whitney now with Los Angeles Forces
The S. E. Slade Lumber Company, one of the oldest and best knorvn of California rvholesale concerns. has recentlv made announcements of considerable interest to the trade.
Mr. Jack M. Whitney, until a short time ago wholesale sales manager for the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company, at Los Angeles, has become associated with the S. E. Slade Lumber Company, and rvill act as one of their sales representatives, covering the territory outside of Los Angeles.
Mr. Whitney hardly needs an introduction. He is a young man rvith years of experience in the lumber game, and is generally recognized as one of the corning men in the younger generation.
Jack started in the game in 1913, with the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, at San Pedro. He filled different positions with this company until 1921 when he went with the Blinn organization. He rvas appointed wholesale sales manager for this cornpany, and has been in that position until the first of February, rvhen he resigned and took the position that he norv holds.
Heretofore the S. E. Slade Lumber Company has not been connected rvith the shingle market, and they have just recently made a connection with the Grays Harbor Shingle Company to represent this large concern in California. Shingles 'rvill be their diet for some time, it being their intention to introduce this brand of shingles in large quantities.
They exclusively represent the A. J. West Lumber Company of Aberdeen, known for their quality stocks, and particularly for the high grade of lath manufactured.
S. E. Slade, veteran lumberman, is head of the S. E. Slade Lumber Company, r,vith headquarters at Los Angeles, and his son, F. M. (Cappy) is second in command in the Southern city.
With Jack Whitney now at the bat, the company presents a powerful factor in California lumber marketing.
Tuolumne Lumber Interests Are Sold
The West Side Lumber Company has sold its plant at Tuolumne and its timber holdings to the Crossett Lumber Company, it is announced by officers of the company. March 1 is the date set when the new company will take over the holdings. The West Side Lumber Company has an annual production of 50 million board feet and when operating to capacity employs between 400 and 600 men. The present officers of the company are: W. R. Thorson, Berkeley, President; George W. Johnson, Vice-President, and J. R. Prince, Manager-Treasurer.