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Announcing the Extension of Creo-Dipt Service to the Pacific Coast
E have just opened a new Creo-Dipt factory at Vancouver, B. C. Simultaneously we have established ^ Pacific Office at902 A. G. Bartlett Bldg.,7th ^nd Sprin$ Sts., Los Angeles, in charge of Guy M. Rich.
This step makes Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles available for quick delivery in California and all western states.
The many advantages of these fine cedar ehin$les have been nationally advertised continuously for fifteen years. They are the only stained cedar shingles that are known and demanded throughout the country. They are cut from the finest straight-$rained cedar available, treated with creosote, and then stained. Each individual shingle is perfect.
This year only full pages in color are beingused. Thesewill run consistently in the Saturday Evenin$ Post, Good Housekeeping, House & Garden and House Beautiful. In addition to the interest thus created, added demand for this quality product is bein$ developed by a special Creo-Dipt direct mail campaign.
Inquiries that come from Creo-Dipt advertisin$ are referred to dealers who cooperate with us. We sell only to the retail lumber dealer. A carload consisting of Creo-Dipt Shingles in brown, preen and gray, in the sizes which sell best in your locality, will care for 90 per cent of your requirements.