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Axel Fr. Oxholm Addresses California Lumbermen
After having been in conference with lumbermen in the Northwest, discussing the elimination of waste in the use of lumber, Axel H. Oxholm. Chief of the Lumber Division of the Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce, Depart- ment of Commerce, arrived in San Francisco, February 5, for the purpose of discussing this subject with the lumber interests in and around the city.
Mr. Oxholm has just returned from an eighteen months' study of the lumber markets of Europe and was much imq{essed with the European methods of eliminating waste. That American lumbermen may be placed in a betTer oosition in the world markets, Mr.-Oxholm has made a particular_.study as_to_how these methods may be applied to conditions in the United States.
Mr. Oxholm was in San Francisco from February 6 to {eblgary 9, durin-g which time he addressed the Dbuglas Fir Exploitation & Export Company, the Redwood Aisociation of California, and the White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association. From San Francisco, he went south, where on February 11 to 14 he rvill be in conference with the southern lumber industry.
-,Many^of the_problems facing the lumber industry in the United States have long been-solved in Europe, says Mr. Oxholm. In years past Europe went throu$h the same critical stage that now confronts this country In the dimin- ishing limber supplies. The methods f6r eliminating economic waste evolved through Europe's experience could-, he believes, be easily modified to meet conditions in the
_United States, and in his opinion the chances are that the United States would go a good deal further in this respect, ultimately, perhaps, to sel up a future model for oihei countrles,
The Chief of the T,umber Division hopes also to acquaint the lumbermen of the West and South with the olans of the Division for the next year, both as to foreign and domestic lumber considerations. The Division has"grown very rapidl{,-due in large measure to the co-operai=ion it has received from th-e lumber. industry, Mr. Oxholm says, and has be_come, so far as is known, the largest and mosi important Government lumber organization in' any collntry.
The Lumber Division announces that four reports on the lesylf of his_study in Europe have been completed by Mr. Oxholm, dealing with the lumber markets oi the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and France. The first of these, on the Netherlands, will be off the press in a few weeks, and the others will be available latei on this year. The Division also announces that exporters who may wish to confer with the Chief of the Division during the course of- his tour may arrange such conference throrigh the District and Co-operative Offices of the Department of Commerce in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and New Orleans.
Hayward Sells Long Beach Yard
Patten & Davies have bought the Long Beach plant of the Hayward_I,umber & Investment Comp-any, taking posses- sion on February first.